SDVoE™ Semiconductor Solutions for Matrix Switch Replacement
Semtech’s award-winning BlueRiver® technology is transforming the matrix switch by delivering high fidelity and low latency performance to Pro AV solutions. In this typical matrix switching application, the dedicated matrix switch hardware shown on top is replaced by a standard 10G Ethernet switch (bottom), providing a much more flexible and scalable architecture. Additional hardware required to implement video walls or multiviewers is also replaced by the powerful AV processing engine in each BlueRiver-enabled endpoint, dramatically reducing equipment and installation costs.
图 1.在这个典型的矩阵切换应用中,顶部显示的专用矩阵切换硬件被更灵活且架构可扩展的标准 10G 以太网交换机(底部)取代。
使用强大的 SDVoE API 的软件控制可实现所有这些功能,并提供更大的系统设计灵活性和“即时”的重新配置。快速轻松地将显示不同源的多个显示器转换为显示单个源的视频墙配置。
类似地,通过将多个源订阅到驱动单个显示器的接收器,即可使用软件定义强大的多画面布局,例如四屏、画中画或自定义布局,如上所示。凭借完全集成的 USB 连接,即可无需专用的 KVM 硬件,允许在矩阵切换之上分层部署高级 KVM 应用,例如单用户控制多台计算机或多用户协作。
Looking to implement a legacy matrix switch? Explore BlueRiver for point-to-point AV matrix switching applications.
带 AVP1000 的盒子内部:端到端 SDVoE 发射器/接收器解决方案
图 2. Semtech 的 AVP1000 是一款节约成本的入门级解决方案,可用于使用标准铜缆通过 10G 以太网传输高达 4K60 的视频。
For the most cost-effective solution, providing the lowest latency matrix switch-like performance, Semtech’s entry level AVP1000 AV Processor can be used to transmit up to 4K60 video over 10G Ethernet using standard copper category cabling. Only a handful of core components are required to implement the complete SDVoE Transmitter solution.
图 3. AVP1000 能够进行动态切换操作,还可用于为 SDVoE 接收器供电。
同样,AVP1000 可用于为 SDVoE 接收器供电,提供具有亚毫秒级延迟的端到端解决方案,用于使用标准 10G 以太网铜缆实现高性能的矩阵切换替代。AVP1000 还可以在发射器和接收器操作之间动态切换,支持在安装时配置单个硬件设计。
Discover our semiconductor solutions for your Pro AV needs.
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