SDVoE™ Semiconductor Solutions for Video Walls
视频墙用于体育场馆、剧院、大帐篷和其他商业场所,提供出色的图形和视频显示。Semtech 屡获殊荣的 BlueRiver® 技术可实现高质量的商业和专业级视频墙解决方案。
BlueRiver’s advanced processing engines are capable of powerful image manipulations such as scaling, cropping and stretching. These can be used to create video walls of arbitrary size and shape. An added benefit is that SDVoE-enabled receivers are designed to keep all wall outputs perfectly synchronized. The results are easy-to-implement and fully integrated video walls with no extra cost. AV system designers can use a combination of low cost AVP1000-based Transmitters at the source, and the AVP2000 with integrated AV processing in the Receiver driving each display in the video wall.
In the example shown, each SDVoE receiver is subscribed to the same source, up to 4K60, from the media server, cropping and scaling the region of the source for outputting on the video wall configuration. Each receiver can also be configured to correct for the display bezel, creating the effect that the image is “behind” the frame created when each display’s bezel is butted up together. Using a modular based 10G Ethernet switch allows for both 10G copper and fiber connectivity, where shorter reach copper-based Transmitters can be used when housed in the same machine room as the switch itself, and fiber-based Receivers providing long distance connectivity to the remote video wall.
图 1.使用支持 SDVoE 的发射器和接收器的组合,轻松创建完全集成的视频墙。
带 AVP1000 的盒子内部:简化的 AV-over-IP 视频墙解决方案
对于大多数视频墙应用,可以使用基于 AVP1000 的低成本发射器,其中仅包括少量主要组件。通常,驱动视频墙内容的源(如媒体服务器)与 10G 以太网交换机位于同一机房中,因此只需要短距离 10G 铜缆,从而进一步降低基础设施成本。
图 2. 基于 AVP1000 的发射器仅需少量主要组件即可实现低成本视频墙。
The AVP2000 includes the advanced AV processing engine, required to deliver visually stunning video wall displays in full 4K60 visually lossless quality. The AVP2000 also supports 10G fiber connectivity using standard off the shelf SFP+ optical modules. Where the video wall displays are widely distributed from the content source, for example, in a shopping mall or airport, using fiber-based SDVoE Receivers enabled long distance AV transmission, from a few hundred meters to over 40km.
图 3. AVP2000 搭配标准 SFP+ 光模块时支持 10G 光纤连接,可实现长达 40 公里的长距离视听传输。
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