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New ICs sense human proximity to keep the RF output of consumer devices within regulated levels. Read more


Connected sensors can help companies cost effectively track and determine asset quality in the supply chain to optimize purchasing, ensuring that consumers have access to safe, high-quality food. Read more
RFID Journal


Smart sensors can ensure that every device in your home is connected, compliant and top-performing. Semtech's David Wong further elaborates for RFID Journal. Read more


An initiative by the Cook Islands’ government will introduce connected ‘smart’ devices on all of the islands using Semtech's LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN standard. Read more


IoT ecosystems incorporate a diverse set of technologies from physical devices to cloud-based solutions and connectivity options. That is enabling IoT technology to impact us as consumers in so many ways that we might not even realize. Read more


Keeping a close eye on customer behavior can help businesses stay on top of changing trends. Semtech's Alistair Fulton shares his tip to proactively leverage customer behavior trends. Read more
IoT Agenda


LPWAN and IoT sensors help manufacturers, developers and organizations address environmental climate concerns with connected applications and streams of real-time data. Read more

LoRaWAN 世界博览会亮点以及 Semtech 物联网副总裁 Marc Pegulu 采访

The LoRaWAN World Expo was of course also the occasion for numerous meetings. Representatives and members of the LoRa Alliance from all over the world came to present their latest innovations. On this occasion, we had the opportunity to interview Marc Pegulu, VP IoT Strategy & Product Marketing for the Wireless and Sensing Products Group at Semtech, about the latest commercial and technical developments for LoRa. Read more
IMC IoT M2M Council

Semtech 帮助用户评估 LoRa Edge 的资产追踪能力

在上周于纽伦堡举行的 Embedded World 展会上,总部位于加利福尼亚州的 Semtech 推出了一项云服务,以展示 LoRa Edge 的资产追踪能力。阅读更多

Semtech 参加 2022 Embedded World 展会

At embedded world 2022, Electronic Specifier's Editor, Mick Elliott, speaks with Karthik Ranjan, LoRa Cloud Solutions and Partnership Leader at Semtech about its new product they launch at the show, the LoRa Cloud Locator. Read more


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