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Remi Demerle, WSP LoRa Alliance and Community at Semtech, examines why monitoring is the key to recognizing energy consumption patterns and looks into why LPWAN (low-power wide area network) is an ideal connectivity technology Read more
Electronic Design

LPWAN for All: What’s the Future of Low-Power, Long-Range Connectivity?

Semtech’s Marc Pégulu shares predictions for LPWAN’s future amid the shifting IoT tech landscape. Read more

LPWAN for All: What’s the Future of Low-Power, Long-Range Connectivity?

Semtech’s Marc Pégulu shares predictions for LPWAN’s future amid the shifting IoT tech landscape. Read more

16 Smart Tips to Affordably Leverage Technology in Your Business

Investing in tech solutions to optimize business operations isn't an endeavor that has to break the bank. Read more


Earth Day aims to highlight the need to make the most of the resources we have, and to show how technology can help us do so. Read more

Semtech 和 CITiLIGHT 利用 LoRaWAN 改造智慧城市街道照明

Semtech announced its collaboration with CITiLIGHT, provider of smart lighting solutions for smart cities, for its VELOCITi LMS lighting management system. Read more

Semtech Adds Multi-Band Capabilities to the LoRa Edge Platform

Semtech 的 LoRa Edge 器件到云地理定位平台现已具备多频段功能,LoRa Edge LR1120 支持直连卫星的物联网 (IoT) 应用,用于供应链管理和物流。阅读更多

Semtech 扩展 LoRa Edge 以实现无缝的全球资产追踪

新推出的 LoRa Edge LR1120 支持基于卫星的网络并简化了地面网络的互操作性 阅读更多


了解 Semtech 的 Tri-Edge 平台与最新一代 VCSEL 芯片之间的关联是如何变得日益密切的。这些芯片起源于电信和数据通信,现已发展到用于先进的 3D 传感应用,如面部识别、汽车 LiDAR 和元宇宙。阅读更多


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