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Semtech 推出 LoRa Cloud™ Locator Cloud Service,展示 LoRa Edge™ 的资产追踪能力

Semtech Corporation, a leading global supplier of high-performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, announced its breakthrough SaaS chip-to-Cloud service, LoRa Cloud™ Locator, that uses Semtech’s LoRa Cloud Modem & Geolocation services. Read more


EE Journal 的 Max Maxfield 报道 Semtech 最新的 LoRa Cloud Locator 服务。该服务经特别设计,可轻松搭配采用了 Semtech 的 LoRa Edge LR 系列芯片的追踪器一起工作。阅读更多

LoRa 通过地理定位平台进行资产追踪

Low-power geolocation platform leverages LoRa cloud service to help users keep tabs on their equipment. Read more

LoRa Cloud Locator 服务

Semtech 宣布推出其 SaaS “芯片到云”服务 LoRa Cloud Locator。该服务使用 Semtech 的 LoRa Cloud Modem & Geolocation 服务。阅读更多

Semtech 在 Embedded World 2022 上向 Elektor 介绍基于 LoRa 的解决方案

At Embedded World 2022, Randy Ryder of #Semtech introduced Elektor engineer Mathias Claussen to the LoRa Edge ultra-low power platform. Semtech's Karthik Ranjan then told Mathias about a new service called LoRa Cloud Locator. Read more

EdaCafe 访谈:Semtech 高级营销经理 Raza Khan

EDACafe speaks with Raza Khan, Senior Marketing Manager, Semtech highlighting Tri-Edge’s technology, as well as how optical technology as a whole will play a key role for 5G and 6G as those are rolled out. Read more

物联网的前进之路:蜂窝、LoRa 和 WiFi - 天呐!

In this week’s Fish Fry podcast, Marc Pegulu from Semtech and I chat about the future of IoT, the pros and cons of the various networks we need to support our Internet of things ecosystem, and where LoRa and LoRaWAN fit in the grand scheme of IoT. I also examine how an off-the-shelf IoT wearable device is able to detect COVID-19 infection before symptoms appear for the first time. Read more
IoT Agenda


Sensors, LoRa and LoRaWAN bring benefits to famers across the globe - and in a variety of use cases. Read about how this technology can optimize resources and improve crop yield. Read more

L’augmentation du nombre de déploiements LoRaWAN en Europe reflète la croissance mondiale

Rien qu’en France, plus de 3,5 millions d’actifs utilisant les dispositifs LoRa® de Semtech et le standard LoRaWAN® sont déjà connectés, et 1,5 million de dispositifs supplémentaires sont en cours de déploiement, grâce à l’appui de nombreux réseaux nationaux. Read more


Alistair Fulton, Vice President and General Manager of Wireless and Sensing Products Group, Semtech, highlights sustainable technologies and trends for the smart planet and society. Read more


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