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Amazon 希望 Sidewalk 不再局限于邻里之间

The new Amazon Sidewalk Bridge Pro could expand the IoT network, hich uses LoRa and LoRaWAN, to city parks, universities, and commercial spaces. Read more

Amazon Sidewalk 扩展到家庭之外,以建立商业性物联网

A new, dedicated Sidewalk bridge will bring farms, factories and other nonresidential zones online with Amazon's long-range, low-power IoT network that uses Bluetooth and LoRa radios, which are built into Echo and Ring devices, to connect devices with Amazon's cloud when they're beyond the reach of traditional home networks. Read more


The town is partnering with Semtech and SAS to create an Internet of Things center to pilot new smart city use cases. Read more

2022 年值得关注的四大技术趋势

Predicting the future is challenging and risky. Because of enormous changes in technology and endless hurdles to innovation, anticipating the future in the computing business is even more complex and risky. Senior Market Manager at Semtech’s Signal Integrity Products Group, Raza Khan, shares his tech predictions for 2022. Read more

How To Reach Multiple Goals That Conflict With Each Other

Achieving one big goal as part of goal setting is hard enough. Pursuing two big goals is even tougher. But what if your two goals conflict? Semtech CEO, Mohan Maheswaran shares his tips. Read more
RFID Journal


ICT International's LoRaWAN solution leverages Semtech chips to transmit data about the environmental health of everything from forests and pastures to estuaries. Read more
Circuit Cellar

电网监测系统采用 Semtech 的 LoRa 技术

Semtech has announced its collaboration with Elvexys, designer of innovative and robust solutions for data management, engineering of energy transport and distribution networks in Europe, and Oiken, a Swiss distributor of electricity serving 90,000 end customers, for an Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled sensor. Read more

Semtech SurgeSwitch 保护在恶劣工业环境中运行的电路和系统

Semtech unveils SurgeSwitch product line, designed to protect circuits and systems operating in harsh industrial and telecom environments. Read more

Semtech 宣布 Arson Metering 的智能燃气表解决方案集成 LoRaWAN

Semtech Corporation announced its collaboration with Spanish utility metering systems provider, Arson Metering. Arson Metering is utilizing Semtech's LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN standard for its new smart gas metering sensor solution. Read more

Editorial: 10 predictions for the IoT in 2022

IoT Tech News shares predictions of what the IoT industry will look like in 2022 including insight from Steven Hegenderfer, Senior Director of Developer Ecosystems at Semtech. Read more


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