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Although the needs of electricity, gas and water utilities vary, each utility type requires similar foundational technologies that conform with open standards. Read more

Semtech 合作开发疫苗保温箱



In many areas of water treatment and distribution, Semtech’s LoRa® technology is proving an effective way of obtaining data for smarter water management. Read more

LoRa 之地的更新 - 在城市森林、野火热点地区、建筑物中安装空气质量器件

LoRa 之地和更广泛领域的各种更新,包括 LoRaWAN 网络上基于 LoRa 的器件,以改善城市森林管理和碳核算。阅读更多

人体感应传感器控制射频 (RF) 辐射

Semtech 的 PerSe 系列人体感应传感器提高了智能手机、可穿戴设备和笔记本电脑的移动连接性及合规性。阅读更多
IoT-enabled long range, low power applications are creating a smarter world with cost effective solutions for smart utility metering.

Creating Real World Smart Utility Solutions

IoT-enabled long range, low power applications are creating a smarter world with cost effective solutions for smart utility metering. Read more

使用 LoRaWAN 进行城市森林管理

Semtech Corporation 宣布,环境应用的物联网 (IoT) 解决方案提供商 ICT International 利用 Semtech 的 LoRa 器件和 LoRaWAN 标准来改进城市森林管理和碳核算。阅读更多

Semtech hits new heights on strength of LoRa platform

Semtech has specialized in Internet of Things applications for the past 60 years, and for the past few years it has been capitalizing on its LoRa platform, which has been the main reason for the company’s success in fiscal year 2021. Read more

Improving Performance and Compliance for Personal Connected Consumer Devices

Integrating smart sensors into all future designs is essential to ensuring the optimal combination of performance and safety that consumers demand. Read more
Circuit Cellar


Technologies for Smart Buildings are in great demand, as the market surges in this segment. Vendors are responding with products and solutions designed to make buildings more intelligent, more secure and more connected. Read more


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