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Your World Environment Day Reminder: IoT Can Play a Part in Preserving Wildlife

There are countless tools at disposal to ensure these communities, and the natural habitats and wildlife on which they depend for day-to-day living, can not only survive, but thrive; technology is one of them. One tech company that has seen its technology deployed for this purpose is California-based Semtech. The company’s technology, LoRa, is an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that can be used for many purposes: smart agriculture, smart homes and a smarter supply chain. According to Semtech, to date the technology is used in over 190 million devices that are connected to more than 150 networks. Read more

5G 并不适用于所有场景:其他物联网解决方案如何发挥作用

Complementary IoT solutions are filling the gap here where 5G may be costly, or when deployments simply cannot support its infrastructure. While options for IoT solutions are seemingly endless, it’s important to understand the needs of the deployment, and which solution can deliver. Read more
RFID Journal

瑞士邮政客户将 LoRaWAN 用于个人邮件服务

The IoT solution, provided by Miromico and Semtech, includes a wireless scanning device that enables postal customers to request service via an IoT network and receive assistance within a day. Read more

4 Ways Sustainability Affects the Customer Experience

Corporate Social Responsibility has taken on a greater role in the past year, as customers expect the brands they do business with to share their own values and ideals. As more people come to recognize the damage that humans have done to the earth, sustainability has become a hot-button issue. When sustainability becomes part of a brand’s culture, it becomes a point of differentiation, a core value, and it has a large impact on the way customers (and employees) perceive the brand. This article will look at the different ways that sustainability impacts the customer experience. Read more

Semtech (SMTC) 通过 SAS 交易扩大在物联网市场的影响力

Semtech Corporation SMTC is leaving no stone unturned to bolster presence in the booming Internet of Things (IoT) market on the back of strategic partnerships and robust LoRa technology. Read more

Semtech 与 Intel 合作开发 LiDAR

Semtech Corporation 和 Intel 合作开发用于光检测和测距 (LiDAR) 的光学半导体平台。Semtech 的激光驱动器和可编程跨阻放大器 (TIA) 集成到 Intel RealSense LiDAR 相机 L515 中,从而打造出节能、高分辨率的消费级 LiDAR。阅读更多


As the demand for connectivity continues to grow, so does the reliance on the Internet of Things (IoT). In the manufacturing industry, IoT devices can enable smarter factories, but with so many different options available, an emerging challenge is the lack of interoperability between connectivity platforms. While the goal of leveraging IoT solutions is to make life easier for the end user, and in this case factory workers, having multiple solution offerings inherently makes things more difficult. Read more
Enterprise IoT Insights

Semtech、SAS 将物联网和人工智能组合用于洪水、农业;Senet 引用了创纪录的 LoRaWAN 流量

Semtech Corporation is working with US analytics company SAS to bundle LoRaWAN connectivity with IoT streaming analytics. The strategy is to make IoT-based sensor solutions more easily accessible to data analytics specialists, and to bring edge and cloud data analytics to IoT users. Meanwhile, LoRaWAN provider Senet has claimed more business on its platform in the first quarter than in all of last year, driven mainly by the utilities sector. Read more
Fierce Electronics

Intel 和 Semtech 团队合作开发用于激光雷达技术的未来芯片组

Intel 和 Semtech 周二宣布合作,以进一步开发用于激光雷达技术的半导体平台。Semtech 的光学芯片现已集成到 Intel RealSense L515 相机中,从而实现消费级高分辨率激光雷达深度相机。阅读更多
new electronics

Semtech 和 Intel 开发“最小”的高分辨率 LiDAR 深度相机

高性能模拟和混合信号半导体供应商 Semtech 宣布与 Intel 合作开发用于光检测和测距 (LiDAR) 的光学半导体平台。阅读更多


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