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卡里镇部署 LoRaWAN 技术以改善对居民的服务

By leveraging LoRaWAN connectivity and SAS’ data analytics, Cary will be able to better monitor floods and provide additional community services to its citizens. Read more

3 项领导力课程帮助您在不确定性中成长

Mohan Maheswaran, Semtech’s President and CEO since 2006, believes that leadership is not just the province of the CEO and Executive Team. Rather than a title, leadership is a mindset and skillset of behaviors that can be learned and developed. Read more

IoT Technology Helps In-Store Retail Prepare for the Holiday Shopping Season

Retailers are looking to deliver on the promise of true omnichannel shopping. Read more
EE Times


IoT vendors are naturally bullish about the U.S. infrastructure bill. Semtech, the analog and mixed-signal chipmaker, earlier stressed that passage of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 in March would allocate $50 billion to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s disaster relief fund to help state, local, tribal, and territorial governments respond to natural disasters. Read more

LoRaWAN 是什么?为何它正引领物联网?

Marc Pégulu, vice president of IoT product marketing and strategy for Semtech’s Wireless and Sensing Products Group, discusses how LoRaWAN is disrupting the Internet of Things Read more


Although the needs of electricity, gas and water utilities vary, each utility type requires similar foundational technologies that conform with open standards. Read more

Semtech 合作开发疫苗保温箱



In many areas of water treatment and distribution, Semtech’s LoRa® technology is proving an effective way of obtaining data for smarter water management. Read more

LoRa 之地的更新 - 在城市森林、野火热点地区、建筑物中安装空气质量器件

LoRa 之地和更广泛领域的各种更新,包括 LoRaWAN 网络上基于 LoRa 的器件,以改善城市森林管理和碳核算。阅读更多

人体感应传感器控制射频 (RF) 辐射

Semtech 的 PerSe 系列人体感应传感器提高了智能手机、可穿戴设备和笔记本电脑的移动连接性及合规性。阅读更多


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