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人力资源、数字工作场所和企业设施部门的 4 种合作方式

物联网 (IoT) 可提供解决方案来促进健康工作空间,帮助人力资源部门和设施经理联系和保护员工。半导体技术供应商 Semtech 的无线和传感产品事业部副总裁兼总经理 Alistair Fulton 表示,科学研究表明,良好的空气流通是加强保护并减缓新冠病毒传播的关键。他表示,疾病预防控制中心建议房间每天通风六次。阅读更多

我们( 基于 LPWAN)建立了这座城市

Semtech 无线和传感产品事业部的 Alistair Fulton 写道,LPWAN 网络提供的互操作性使所有人都能共享真正智慧城市环境的好处。阅读更多

Swarm Takes LoRa Sky-High

Swarm 是一家卫星初创企业,使用大小类似于烤奶酪三明治的 CubeSat 来提供物联网覆盖。他们还专门为难以连接到互联网的物联网网络开发了一个卫星网络。为此,公司采用了流行的物联网无线标准 LoRa,将地面技术变成了高空飞行且覆盖范围更大的解决方案。阅读更多

Webee’s No-Code End-to-End Solution Builder Software Democratizes IoT

WeBee’s No-Code End-to-End Solution Builder running on Microsoft Azure, operating on the LoRaWAN® protocol and leveraging Semtech LoRa® devices simplifies the development of enterprise IoT use cases including industrial remote monitoring, smart farming, and smart cities. Read more
RFID Journal

LoRa Transmits to Satellites for Global Coverage

Swarm has built Semtech LoRaWAN technology into its Low Earth Orbit satellites that communicate with Internet of Things devices in remote areas where terrestrial networks are not available, such as at sea or in the desert. Read more

CDR chip supports 50 Gbps data streams

随着 5G、计算、视频、游戏和其他应用在网络上进行越来越多的数据传输,光连接必须跟上这一发展趋势,以免成为瓶颈。如今,使用 PAM4 调制的光网络能够在每个通道传输 50 Gbps,不久的将来速度会更快。因此,一条 400 Gbps 以太网链路使用 8×50 Gbps 通道。Semtech 的 GN2255 时钟数据恢复芯片可清除 50 Gbps PAM4 数据流中的信号,并集成了一个光学激光驱动器。阅读更多
All About Circuts


As the hype around 5G technology continues to grow, the possibility of faster, more streamlined connectivity is driving conversations globally. But while 5G adoption has started, it continues to roll out slowly. To date, some have experienced the benefits 5G technology can bring, but most are patiently awaiting its arrival – and that’s assuming the technology fits the needs of their use case. 5G technology shows a breadth of new possibilities, however since it’s not a one size fits all technology, connectivity solutions from a variety of sources are still necessary. This article looks at the different connectivity options for deploying IoT networks, exploring the pros and cons of each. Read more

Smart Homes Experience Rise in Long-Range, Low-Power Technology

From home automation to smart kitchen appliances, voice assistant-enabled lighting and everything in between, consumer electronics companies are leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT) to connect everyday devices to the cloud, creating new experiences for consumers. Read more


IoT technology and cutting edge connectivity can ease concerns and provide increased levels of safety at live event venues like arenas. Even with a vaccine in place, people are now more aware and sensitive to how easily germs can spread. By deploying smart sensors, arenas can easily track large volumes of people, air quality and facility hygiene in real-time. With the right technology in place, the live events industry can be more prepared to welcome back crowds, and consumers can find comfort in returning. Read more


新冠疫情迫使许多人接受在家工作,而且这种趋势很可能会持续下去。根据全美商业经济协会最近的一项调查,只有大约十分之一的公司预期所有员工会恢复到疫情行前的工作安排 (NBC News)。随着越来越多的员工在家工作,对智能和用户友好的家居技术的需求也增加了。低功耗广域网 (LPWAN) 是一种新兴的最佳技术选择,这得益于它们的灵活性和控制力,以及它们与其他解决方案(如 Wi-Fi 和蓝牙)配合使用的能力。阅读更多


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