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Embedded Executive: Remi Lorrain, LoRaWAN Network Director, Semtech

LoRaWAN wants to invade your home. Its backers think that it’s perfect for many smart home applications. However, don’t we already have one — or two or three —wireless networks that are “perfect” for the home, namely Bluetooth and WiFi? That’s how the conversation started with Remi Lorrain, Semtech’s LoRaWAN Network Director, in this week’s Embedded Executives podcast. Read more

Preventing Flood Damage with IoT Sensors

Floodwaters can rise quickly and with little warning, resulting in chaotic and dangerous situations for citizens and emergency response teams. With IoT solutions, response teams have real-time data and insight to detect potential flooding concerns to minimize risk to life, property, and business. Given the frequency and severity of floods, technology companies need to find ways to leverage the IoT to better prepare for and react to these incidents. Read more
IoT Now

How can LoRaWAN help developers overcome the barrier to IoT?

In this brand-new Quickfire Interview, editorial director, Jeremy Cowan chats to Alistair Fulton, the Vice President and General Manager, Wireless and Sensing Products Group at Semtech about their LoRa Device-to-Cloud platform, why connectivity is more critical than ever and how their collaboration with AWS will offer customers a competitive advantage. Read more

LoRa 和 LoRaWAN 能够实现万物互联

Understand how LoRa and LoRaWAN connectivity can create a safer, more sustainable, and comfortable planet for organizations and end-users. Read more

How the IoT is enabling smarter asset tracking

The recent evolution of Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled solutions is allowing asset tracking applications to be more ubiquitous, pervasive and sophisticated. With IoT, we are now able to communicate not only the position of the asset, but also key data related to it. Read more


IoT solutions for asset management can be expensive or impractical to implement because of the vast area the asset needs to travel, but a reliable asset tracking solution can be built by combining cost efficient, low power and secure wireless connectivity with a standardized infrastructure. Read more
RFID Journal


While IoT technology is serving the purpose of connectivity, its impact is far greater. The IoT is enabling connections in areas where access is limited, protecting wildlife, helping employees return to work, managing water waste and far more. IoT solutions leveraging long-range, low-power technology are scalable and easy to implement. But perhaps more importantly, they are filling the technology gap of cellular and Wi-Fi- or BLE-based networks that require either high bandwidth or high power, or that have a limited range or an inability to penetrate certain environments. Marc Pegulu of Semtech explains. Read more

Building a secure supply chain for asset management with ease

对任何需要积极管理现场所用资产的系统而言,安全性是必不可少的组成部分。经营者需要确保他们获得的现场资产信息有效且没有被篡改过。否则,他们的商业模式和妥善服务用户的能力将面临风险。Semtech 无线和传感事业部 LoRa Edge 产品管理总监 Sree Durbha 如是解释。阅读更多


Through the deployment of a low-power and long-range IoT solution, real-time merchandise monitoring technology can track assets and help stores reduce the cost of having to replace them. This is a game-changer for stores that have long struggled to effectively manage in-store goods as IoT technology provides retailers with access to large amounts of data on customer activity. Read more


Marc Pegulu, vice president of IoT product marketing and strategy for Semtech’s Wireless and Sensing Products Group, talks about how long-range and low-power technology is keeping smart homes connected both indoors and out. Read more


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