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IoT Business News

Semtech’s LoRa® Devices Monitor Ultramarathon Runners with Long Range Connectivity

Geolocation solution from Everynet to track runners in real time, and pushbutton alerts enable swift response to provide for a safe, successful event. Read more

狮子和猎豹的 GPS 项圈:物联网和开源是怎样保护珍稀动物的

The next generation of IoT technology allows near real-time tracking of keystone species in protected areas, with flexible configuration options and long battery life. Read more
RFID Journal

Going Remote: How Building Managers Can Ensure Smooth Operations from Afar

Thanks to the Internet of Things, the merging of low-power wireless connectivity, cloud-based processing and data analytics have transformed the commercial real estate industry. Read more

Semtech 的 PAM4 CDR 平台投入生产

芯片供应商 Semtech Corporation 宣布,其 Tri- Edge™ CDR SR 解决方案 GN2558 和 GN2559 可实现下一代数据中心多模互连,且现已投入量产。GN2558 是集成 VCSEL 驱动器的四通道 PAM4 CDR,GN2559 是集成线性跨阻放大器 (TIA) 的四通道 PAM4 CDR。阅读更多

在密集的城市环境中测量 LoRaWAN 性能

Much has been written about wide area networks (WANs) relying on wireless technology to transfer data across long distances. However, just how reliable are they in dense urban environments? What packet success rate can be achieved and is interference a problem? Or is gateway density an issue – and what happens when multiple sensors interact with multiple gateways? Read more

LoRaWAN 在新冠疫情期间协助医务人员

LoRa Alliance 是一个非盈利性组织,致力于宣传和推广 LoRaWAN,目标是在全球大规模部署物联网 (IoT)。疫情期间,该组织也积极行动,贡献自己的力量。我们与联盟成员公司合作,共同思考如何用技术(尤其是 LoRaWAN 解决方案)帮助医务人员和其他一线专业人员抗击新冠。阅读更多
Enterprise IoT Insights

LoRa community hails “unique piece of silicon” as dual-mode IoT comes of age

The developer community working with LoRa-based IoT solutions took stock of Semtech’s new LR1110 module at a virtual meet-up last month, and declared it a “pretty unique piece of silicon”. The LR1110 is the latest in a flurry of dual-mode silicon that appears to be enabling new use cases for the IoT sector at large. Read more


Utility companies are at the forefront of the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution, with smart metering serving as a primary application. According to a report by analyst firm ABI Research, utilities installed 700 million smart meters in 2018, and this installed base is expected to double and reach 1.34 billion meters by 2023. Read more

Vision 选择 Semtech 提供智能仪表基础架构

Vision Metering 在其新型智能仪表中选择 Semtech 的 LoRa 和 LoRaWAN 协议作为嵌入式基础架构。阅读更多
Electronic Specifier

基于 LoRa 的 AMI 解决方案实现更智能的能源监测

Semtech 宣布,Vision Metering (Vision) 已将 Semtech 的 LoRa 设备和 LoRaWAN 协议整合到其基于高级计量基础架构(AMI 解决方案)的智能电表以及水表和燃气表的接口单元。阅读更多


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