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Semtech 和 Vision 合作开发基于 LoRa 的高级计量设备

Semtech 宣布,物联网公用事业计量解决方案开发商 Vision Metering 已将 LoRa 器件和 LoRaWAN 协议整合到其基于高级计量基础架构 (AMI) 的智能电表以及水表和燃气表的接口单元。阅读更多
IoT Business News

Semtech 和 Vision 通过基于 LoRa® 的 AMI 解决方案实现更智能的能源监测

Vision’s smart meters represent an ideal solution for public or cooperative utilities, requiring minimal infrastructure cost and scaling based on need. Read more
IoT Evolution

Semtech and YoSmart Leverage LoRa for Safer and Smarter Homes

According to a recent announcement, Semtech Corporation, a supplier of semiconductors and advanced algorithms, and YoSmart, a smart home company, have together integrated LoRa devices into the “YoLink” line of Internet of Things (IoT) products for use in the home. The solutions are designed to quickly connect home applications to accurately monitor data in real time and create safer, more cost-efficient homes. Read more

Semtech 宣布量产新的 Tri-Edge,是应用于数据中心的 PAM4 CDR 平台

全球领先的高性能模拟和混合信号半导体产品及先进算法供应 Semtech 宣布,Tri- Edge CDR SR 解决方案 GN2558 和 GN2559 可实现下一代数据中心多模互连,且现已投入量产。GN2558 是集成 VCSEL 驱动器的四通道 PAM4 CDR,GN2559 是集成线性跨阻放大器 (TIA) 的四通道 PAM4 CDR。阅读更多
In-Building Tech

Semtech’s LoRa devices help conserve energy and prevent damage in real estate

Semtech announced that Talkpool, which provides global Internet of Things (IoT) solutions and telecommunication network services, has incorporated Semtech’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol into its new line of sensor solutions for smart home and building applications. Read more

LoRa 器件为 COVID-19 体温传感器奠定基础

Smart human body sensors enable healthcare workers to identify individuals with a high temperature. Read more
IoT Evolution

LoRaWAN 生态系统成员为中国卫生服务提供解决方案

据最近的宣布的消息,中兴克拉、慧联无限、躬远科技、瑞兴恒方和 为传科技等多家 Semtech 客户已将 Semtech 的 LoRa 设备和 LoRaWAN 协议与阿里云和腾讯云开发的云平台整合,以便为需检疫隔离的居民部署基于物联网 (IoT) 的智能监测应用。阅读更多
Enterprise IoT Insights

Semtech 表示 LoRa 器件可优化中国的疫情隔离监测

U.S. company Semtech said that several of its customers, including CIAAIoT, EasyLinkin, IOCA, RisingHF, and Winext Technology, have integrated Semtech’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol with cloud-based platforms developed by Chinese companies Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud, to deploy smarter Internet of Things (IoT)-based monitoring applications for residents in quarantine scenarios. Read more
IoT Evolution

Semtech 的 LoRa 器件集成到红外温度传感器中

在近期的新闻稿中,Semtech 宣布,光纤和无线传感的企业物联网 (IoT) 解决方案创新领导者博立信科技(Polysense Technologies) 开发了一系列基于 Semtech LoRa® 器件的智能体温监测产品。温度传感器提供实时数据,方便医疗工作者有效筛查发烧人员。该系列产品已于近期运抵意大利,用于应对新冠疫情。阅读更多


Polysense Technologies has developed a series of smart human body temperature monitoring products based on Semtech’s LoRa devices. Read more


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