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Making buildings smarter

The emergence of a different wireless technology can have a major impact on the reach and cost-effectiveness of implementing Building Management Systems’ (BMS) into smart buildings. Companies have primarily had to rely on disparate building management systems which involve a significant amount of local, manual interaction, low automation, and dedicated infrastructure per application. However new LoRa low power, long range technology introduces a long range and low power consumption which enables a more integrated solution to address commercial building management systems at a reduced cost for both installation and operation. Read more
ee news Europe

Major milestone for LoRa in space

Lacuna Space 宣布深空网关第一阶段测试圆满结束,此次测试检验的是深空网关是否能覆盖全球 LoRa® 器件,提供的无线电射频技术(LoRa 技术)能否覆盖全球任何地区。阅读更多
IoT Innovator

The Things Industries 宣布为 Semtech 的 LoRa Basics Station Packet 转发器提供支持

Semtech Corp. 是是全球领先的高性能模拟和混合信号半导体产品及先进算法供应商。周四,公司在柏林的 LoRa Alliance 全体成员会议上宣布,The Things Industries 将支持 Semtech 先进的新型网关包转发器 LoRa Basics Station。阅读更多

Lacuna Space 在太空中应用 LoRa® 技术,取得重大里程碑式进展

Lacuna Space 很高兴地宣布第一阶段测试圆满结束,此次测试检验的是公司是否能覆盖全球 LoRa® 器件,提供的无线电射频技术(LoRa 技术)能否覆盖全球任何地区。阅读更多

Why the enterprise IoT journey is a long and complex one – and how LoRaWAN fits into it

Let’s get one thing clear straight away: building up the Internet of Things (IoT) in the enterprise is complicated. It simply has to be a long, complex journey if one is to ever get it right, from a connectivity and a cultural perspective. Read more
Design Spark

Sony Spresense the development board for edge solutions

With so many positive mentions of Sony Spresense, we decided to visit the Sony development site for Spresense to see what good things they have been up to, to say we are impressed is an understatement. Read more
Electronics logo

Semtech’s LoRa technology is integrated into Axino’s Smart refrigeration solutions

Semtech, supplier of analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, has announced that Axino Solutions, software and systems integrator for the planning and implementation of comprehensive IT solutions, has introduced Semtech’s LoRa devices and wireless radio frequency technology to its smart refrigeration solutions, to track food temperature for the food retail industry: as an example of its application, Migros, Switzerland's largest supermarket chain, has deployed Axino's Semtech supported solution into its branches, globally. Read more
Land Mobile Logo

IoT: WI-FI, Ethernet and Cellular Protocols Dominate in Libelium Survey

Wi-Fi, Ethernet and cellular protocols are currently the most popular means of connectivity for Internet of Things (IoT) projects, followed by LoRaWAN, according to a survey conducted by Libelium, which focused on the main challenges, concerns and barriers faced while developing technological projects related with the IoT. Read more
Electronics Weekly 徽标

LoRa Alliance expands LoRaWAN certification testing

The LoRa Alliance has expanded its LoRaWAN certification program. The enhanced certification testing suite meets the requirements of LoRaWAN network operators and assures end users that certified devices have the required quality and range to work on any network out of the box. Read more

Semtech’s Design Partner Program for LoRa Technology More Than Triples in Membership

Semtech, a leading supplier of analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, announced that its Design Partner Program had nearly quadrupled from seven design services partners in September of 2018 to 26 partners. The program accelerates Internet of Things (IoT) solutions to market by directly connecting customers with firms specializing in LoRa® devices and wireless radio frequency technology (LoRa Technology). Read more


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