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ee news Europe

Open Eye MSA consortium for 400Gbps PAM-4 optical interconnects

The Open Eye Consortium has established a Multi-Source Agreement (MSA) with the aim to standardize advanced specifications for lower latency, more power efficient and lower cost optical modules. Read more
Compound Semi Conductor

Open Eye MSA Consortium Targets Optical Connectivity

The Open Eye Consortium has established a Multi-Source Agreement (MSA) outlining its mission to standardise advanced specifications for lower latency, more power efficient and lower cost optical modules targeting 50Gbps, 100Gbps, 200Gbps, and up to 400Gbps optical modules for data centre interconnects over single-mode and multimode fibre. Read more

Open Eye MSA Consortium Targeting High Speed Optical Connectivity Applications

The Open Eye Consortium announced the establishment of its Multi-Source Agreement (MSA) outlining its mission to standardize advanced specifications for lower latency, more power efficient and lower cost optical modules targeting 50Gbps, 100Gbps, 200Gbps, and up to 400Gbps optical modules for datacenter interconnects over single-mode and multimode fiber. Read more
Converge! Logo

Open Eye MSA Consortium Targets 50/100/200/400G Modules

The Open Eye Consortium has established a Multi-Source Agreement (MSA) aimed at standardizing advanced specifications for lower latency, more power efficient and lower cost 50 Gbps, 100 Gbps, 200 Gbps, and up to 400 Gbps optical modules for datacenter interconnects over single-mode and multimode fiber. Read more
Water Technology

IoT Solutions for Industry

By implementing an IoT-based water management solution, Costco was able to reduce water waste and reduce its monthly bills. Read more
new electronics

Semtech opens up registration to the LoRaWAN Academy

Semtech is opening up registration of the LoRaWAN Academy to large enterprises as well as individual developers. Read more

Semtech Open Sources LoRa Basics to Simplify Development of IoT Solutions

The free software building blocks will enable developers to bring LoRa-based applications to market faster, the company says Read more

Grab the Opportunity! LoRaWAN Academy Now Open to Everyone For Free

The LoRaWAN Academy will enable developers to get their LoRa-based solutions to market faster as well as simplify development Read more
IoT Now

Semtech opens registration for LoRaWAN Academy for enterprises and developers

Semtech Corporation, a supplier of high performance analogue and mixed signal semiconductors and advanced algori=hms, has announced the open registration of the LoRaWAN Academy for everyone, from large enterprises to individual developers. Read more
IoT Business News

Semtech 宣布,LoRaWAN 学院™ 面向大型企业和个人开发者开放注册

Free educational modules simplify and accelerate the development of LoRa®-based IoT applications. Read more


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