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SAR 传感器改进智能手机中的射频控制

Semtech’s SX9376 specific absorption rate (SAR) sensor optimizes RF control while maintaining compliance with global SAR standards for 5G-enabled consumer devices. Read more
All About Circuts

Semtech 推出可简化 5G 移动设备合规的芯片

A new IC from Semtech hopes to improve 5G device performance in the face of Specific Absorption Rate compliance. Read more
RFID Journal

Semtech 为合作伙伴提供蜂窝和 LoRa 组合

IoT solutions will consist of the company's hybrid technology, which enables cellular-connected gateways that connect to LoRa devices. Read more

感知未来 - 可持续物联网

The Internet of Things is here and it's chaning the world. Making it environmentally sustainable is vital. Semtech's low power, long range LoRa networking platform is a very large part of the solution. Read more
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Geolocation Everywhere

Market fragmentation is a significant issue affecting the roll out of billions of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Read more

十大最酷的物联网连接公司:2023 年物联网 50 强

Semtech provides a mix of cellular and LoRa hardware offerings to enable IoT connectivity. The Camarillo, Calif.-based company recently completed its acquisition of Sierra Wireless, which allowed Semtech to expand beyond its LoRa-based chips and platforms with a portfolio of modules, SIM cards and networking gear for connecting on cellular networks. Read more

Amazon 向外部开发者开放 Sidewalk 网状网络

Amazon is making a renewed effort to put Sidewalk on the map, announcing Tuesday that it's opening this mesh network to outside developers and offering them free test kits to check its coverage. Read more

基于 LoRa® 的 Amazon Sidewalk 第三方产品

Semtech Corporation has announced the first third-party Amazon Sidewalk products, based on its LoRa® technology, are now available from Browan, Deviceroy, HSB’s Meshify and New Cosmos. Motion and carbon dioxide sensors from Browan, a smart modem for solar installations from Deviceroy, a water sensor from HSB’s Meshify, and the DeNova Detect natural gas alarm from New Cosmos are some of the first Sidewalk-qualified products to be part of the secure, shared network that helps devices work better around the home and in the community. Read more

Amazon Sidewalk 是您社区中沉睡的巨人

The massive public mesh network taps into wireless bandwidth from Echo and Ring devices. Now, developers can build Sidewalk connectivity into their own gadgets and services. Read more


2021年に営業としてIIJに入社。翌年にIoT事業部のプロモーション担当に転属し、現在に至る。珈琲、読書、喫茶店・バー巡り、古着、アニメ・映画鑑賞、ゲームなどなど割と多趣味。写真撮影もガッツリやっていて、そのうち個展 or グループ展を開きたいと思ってます。 Read more


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