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Wie Long Range Wide Area Networks die IoT-Anbindung erleichtern

Long Range Wide Area Networks (Lorawan) bieten für die IoT-Kommunikation ein Protokoll für Sensoranwendungen mit niedriger Datenrate, geringem Stromverbrauch, niedrigen Kosten und großer Reichweite. Read more

Semtech 首次推出 LoRa 云地理定位服务,旨在简化基于 LoRaWAN 的设备的地理定位服务集成

Semtech 于本周宣布推出 LoRa 云地理定位,这是一种基于云的全新地理定位服务,它与 LoRaWAN 协议和大多数网络服务器兼容。 该地理定位服务可以集成,从而提供成本较低,且经过性能优化的解决方案,并且,它也是 Semtech 率先推出用于支持物联网应用开发的云服务产品。 阅读更多
IoT Now

Semtech 宣布推出 LoRa 云地理定位

Semtech Corporation 是一家提供高性能模拟和混合信号半导体以及先进算法的供应商,其宣布推出 LoRa 云地理定位,这是一种基于云的全新地理定位服务,它与 LoRaWAN 协议和大多数网络服务器兼容。 阅读更多

Semtech 发布 LoRa 云地理定位

Semtech Corporation 宣布推出 LoRa 云地理定位,它与 LoRaWAN 协议和大多数网络服务器兼容,是 Semtech 率先推出用于支持物联网应用开发的云服务产品。 阅读更多

Semtech Simplifies IoT Applications with Release of LoRa®-based Solution Accelerators

In today’s fast moving technology world, the ability to rapidly identify and respond to customers’ needs for the operational, process and return on investment (ROI) improvements that IoT solutions can deliver is critical to the success of both solution developers and systems integrators. Read more
NoE Net of Everything

Semtech aims to simplify IoT applications with release of LoRa-based solution accelerators

From Semtech aims to simplify IoT applications with release of LoRa-based solution accelerators Read more

Semtech launches geolocation service for LoRaWAN

这也是该公司率先推出的全新商业 LoRa Cloud 服务,旨在简化物联网解决方案的开发流程 阅读更多

Semtech 的 LoRa Cloud™ 地理定位现已可用,可简化地理定位服务集成

The geolocation service can be easily integrated to provide a low-cost, performance-optimized solution, and is the first of a variety of Cloud services products that Semtech will be offering to support IoT application development. Read more
IoT Business News

MWC 2019 – LoRa Alliance: interview with CEO, Donna Moore

At Mobile World Congress 2019, we had the opportunity to interview Donna Moore, CEO & Chairwoman of the LoRa Alliance accompanied by Marc Pegulu, VP IoT Product Marketing & Strategy at Semtech, to discuss the latest developments of the Alliance and the LoRa technology. Read more
telecom paper

Semtech releases LoRa-based platform accelerators

Semtech 表示,他们将提供一整套开发加速工具,可合理化并简化基于 LoRa 的物联网应用的开发、部署和管理流程。这一基于 LoRa 技术的平台侧重点包括三个关键领域,旨在实现物联网应用快速设计和部署,它支持 LoRa Alliance 的 LoRaWAN 开放标准,并可与其生态系统协作:LoRa Basics、LoRa Cloud 服务和基于调制解调器的 LoRa 硬件。阅读更多


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