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让员工感到受重视的 15 种实用且有效方法

To keep your top employees around, it's important to show them how much you value their contributions and talents. Read more


The impact of smart sensors will continue to transform the way humans interact with their environments in a variety of markets. By automatically sensing human presence and reacting with a smart response, proximity sensors make life easier and a lot more enjoyable. Read more
IMC IoT M2M Council

Semtech 收购 Sierra Wireless 有何重要意义?

Steve Rogerson asks Semtech senior vice president Alistair Fulton why his company wants to buy Sierra Wireless. Read more

连接新趋势:与 Semtech Q&A

Long range, low power and easy-to-deploy IoT geolocation solutions connected to the Cloud enable ultra-low power asset management platforms to automatically locate, track and monitor physical assets. We spoke with Randy Ryder, Director Wireless Product Marketing at Semtech to learn more. Read more


IoT technologies can help slow future destruction with easy to deploy and operate smart solutions that protect our environment. Read more


Marc Pégulu, vice president of IoT, Wireless and Sensing Products, Semtech looks at the user experience in buildings by using IoT. Read more

Semtech 以 12 亿美元收购 Sierra Wireless:Fulton 向 IoT Now 介绍收购原因以及下一步计划

California-based Semtech, a global supplier of high-performance chips and algorithms for infrastructure and industrial equipment, is to acquire Canada’s Internet of Things (IoT) solution provider Sierra Wireless. In the latest QuickFire Video, IoT Now’s Jeremy Cowan talks to Semtech’s general manager for IoT, Wireless and Sensing businesses, about the reasons for the deal, the timing, the market impact, and what’s planned for the new expanded business. Read more


Developments in low power, wide area network (LPWAN) technology are making buildings smarter and the lives of facilities managers easier, says Marc Pégulu of Semtech. Read more

Semtech 对 Sierra Wireless 的收购能否改变物联网领域的产品?

美国半导体制造商和 LoRa 技术先驱 Semtech 周三宣布以 12 亿美元收购加拿大蜂窝物联网模块和设备供应商 Sierra Wireless。阅读更多

芯片制造商 Semtech 以 12 亿美元收购物联网专家 Sierra Wireless

芯片制造商 Semtech Corp. 周二宣布计划收购联网设备的网络技术开发商 Sierra Wireless Inc.。阅读更多


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