
播客:第 2 季 - 第 4 集 - 物联网中的 LoRa 和 LPWAN

In this latest podcast from Electronic Specifier Insights we will be discussing all things LoRa, the de facto technology for Internet of Things (IoT) networks. LoRa enables the smart IoT applications that help solve some of the biggest challenges facing our society today, from infrastructure efficiency to smart agriculture. We talk to Alistair Fulton, Vice President and General Manager of Semtech’s Wireless and Sensing Products Group about the evolution of LoRa technology and the LoRaWAN protocol, and some of its potential applications. Read more
Enterprise IoT Insights

LoRa 技术提高澳大利亚牛油果种植园的产量

Semtech 宣布,物联网环境解决方案提供商 ICT International 携手物联网网关和设备制造商 Definium Technologies,利用基于 Semtech 的 LoRa 器件和 LoRaWAN 协议的多种产品来提高澳大利亚牛油果种植园的产量。阅读更多


It’s expected that 5G will cover about 25% of the world’s population in the next decade. A majority of the coverage will mainly be in wealthy, well-developed areas in the U.S., China, and Europe. Impacted industries expand beyond telecommunications and into healthcare, education, and far beyond. But while users can expect to experience faster download and upload speeds and lower latency, what happens to businesses, and even people, based in rural America who don’t have the proper broadband coverage or hardware in place to support constant connectivity? Read more
Enterprise IoT Insights

澳大利亚维多利亚州政府出资为该州农场主部署 LoRaWAN 网络

The state government in Victoria, in south-eastern Australia, has agreed to fund rollout of LoRaWAN-based IoT networks for 600 farms and 5,000 square kilometres of farmland in the state. Read more
IoT Agenda


The agriculture industry is facing challenges as the global population continues to grow and the amount of arable land decreases. As a result, farmers are using technology to streamline operational processes, influence the way food is being produced and to leave a longstanding positive impact on the environment. Read more
Circuit Cellar

牛群健康状况监控系统采用 Semtech 的 LoRa 技术

Semtech has announced that ITK, a French supplier of IoT-based smart agriculture applications, has developed a new cattle health monitoring solution based on Semtech’s LoRa devices. The FarmLife smart agriculture service and its LoRa-enabled sensors detect cattle estrus, drive improved nutrition and predict the onset of disease to help ranchers better monitor their herd. Read more
Network World


Farmers use LoRaWAN wireless with internet of things devices that monitor the health and location of beef cattle; restaurant chains use it to network IoT sensors that signal temperature shifts in commercial refrigerators. Read more

农业物联网使用案例:Oizom 监测土壤灌溉,让作物生长更健康

Ahmedabad-based Oizom – a provider of environmental IoT solutions – is leveraging Semtech Corporation’s LoRa devices and Tata Communications’ LoRaWAN-based networking infrastructure for its new Agribot smart agriculture solution, which is designed to offer farmers real-time insight into the health of their crops by monitoring soil conditions, including humidity and pH levels. Read more

Semtech 的 LoRaWAN 物联网解决方案帮助农民节约用水

Smart farming is an important area of digital transformation as farming resources such as fertilizer and water are expensive. Without technology, farms had no idea how well they were performing relative to other local farms. Read more

农业和智能牧场采用 Semtech 连接物联网的 LoRa 器件

Semtech has announced that Australian carrier National Narrowband Network Co (NNNCo) is deploying a publicly available network based on the LoRaWAN protocol that will leverage Semtech’s LoRa devices and technology to build Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Read more


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