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Alistair Fulton, vice-president and general manager of Semtech's Wireless and Sensing Products Group, discusses the need for simplicity when powering smart neighbourhoods from 2021 Read more

我们(基于 LPWAN)建设了这个城镇

Les villes intelligentes vont connaître un bouleversement spectaculaire au cours des prochaines années, avec l'apparition d'une nouvelle méthode de déploiement de réseaux étendus sans fil à basse consommation (LPWAN). Read more

在日新月异的世界中,LoRa 将在智能城市中发挥核心作用

Le besoin de transmission et d'analyse de données dans les environnements urbains actuels, avec la crise sanitaire en cours, favorise l'adoption de la technologie à longue portée LoRa, avec des capteurs basse consommation qui permettent de collecter et de communiquer des données précises en temps réel sur un réseau étendu WAN (Wide Area Network) et robuste. Read more
IoT Business News

Semtech 和 Packetworx 使用 LoRaWAN® 实现对关键设备的远程监测

Packetworx 采用新应用为高价值资产测量电源供应并提供远程诊断,有效应对新冠挑战。阅读更多

Semtech 和 Helium 扩展 LoRaWAN® 网络部署

Semtech Corporation (Nasdaq: SMTC), a leading supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, announced its expanded collaboration with Helium, the company behind one the world's first peer-to-peer wireless networks based on Semtech's LoRa® devices and the LoRaWAN® protocol. Today, Helium's LoRaWAN network infrastructure is considered among the fastest growing of its kind, reaching more than 1,000 cities in North America and expanding to Europe. Earlier this year, Helium announced a strategic partnership with Semtech to integrate the LoRaWAN protocol into its LongFi networking architecture. Read more

LoRa 与 5G:为什么卡尔加里这样的城市只选择其中之一

Alistair Fulton joins IT Visionaries to provide a referendum on the state of the IoT, and he discusses why the biggest challenges facing his community are themselves, and why LoRa (or Long-Range wireless solutions) and 5G are no longer seen as competitors, but allies. Read more
Enterprise IoT Insights

基于区块链的 LoRaWAN 网络覆盖美国 1,000 个城市,并发展到欧洲

Blockchain-based LoRaWAN network operator and hotspot maker Helium has expanded to more than 1,000 cities in North America, and started rolling out in Europe, and announced a new deals with LoRa-maker Semtech. Read more
RFID Journal

Semtech 为韩国高速公路部署 LoRa 物联网网络

Presented here are recent news announcements regarding the following organizations: Vizinex RFID, Semtech, Korea Expressway Corp., Woojoo Telecom, SK Telesys, Estone Technology, and RestorePoint. Read more
Enterprise IoT Insights

基于 LoRa 的新网络覆盖了超过 306 公里的韩国高速公路

South Korean’s government-affiliated Korean Expressway Corporation (KEC) has deployed built a network based on Semtech’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol for more than 306 km of its expressways. The LoRa-based network is viewed as the “first stage” in the country’s four-year Internet of Things (IoT) deployment plan. Read more

在密集的城市环境中测量 LoRaWAN 性能

Much has been written about wide area networks (WANs) relying on wireless technology to transfer data across long distances. However, just how reliable are they in dense urban environments? What packet success rate can be achieved and is interference a problem? Or is gateway density an issue – and what happens when multiple sensors interact with multiple gateways? Read more


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