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LoRa 与 5G:为什么卡尔加里这样的城市只选择其中之一

Alistair Fulton joins IT Visionaries to provide a referendum on the state of the IoT, and he discusses why the biggest challenges facing his community are themselves, and why LoRa (or Long-Range wireless solutions) and 5G are no longer seen as competitors, but allies. Read more

Datatopia 播客第 2 集:LoRa Alliance

In this new Datatopia podcast episode, we discuss the ways in which IoT can improve our home life or our industrial performance, what is the need of industry certification programs for ensuring interoperability between devices and applications, as well as applications and markets that will benefit from the new profile of DLMS over LoRaWAN®. Read more
IoT Now


YoSmart, a high-tech enterprise company focused on smart home and life solutions, has increased registered users and sales by more than 50% every month since its November 2019 product release. Read more
Enterprise IoT Insights

基于区块链的 LoRaWAN 网络覆盖美国 1,000 个城市,并发展到欧洲

Blockchain-based LoRaWAN network operator and hotspot maker Helium has expanded to more than 1,000 cities in North America, and started rolling out in Europe, and announced a new deals with LoRa-maker Semtech. Read more

Tear Down: YoLink LoRaWAN Smart Hub

The YoLink hub drives smart home applications. It is based on LoRaWAN, proving coverage of roughly a quarter mile, including hard-to-reach spaces within the home Read more
RFID Journal

Semtech 为韩国高速公路部署 LoRa 物联网网络

Presented here are recent news announcements regarding the following organizations: Vizinex RFID, Semtech, Korea Expressway Corp., Woojoo Telecom, SK Telesys, Estone Technology, and RestorePoint. Read more
Electronic Specifier

LoRa 技术推动了物联网的全球应用

All around us our environment is being influenced, altered and managed by the ever-increasing adoption of IoT solutions. This technology has enabled major advances to be made in the rapid sharing of accurate data which in turn has been boosting efficiency levels for organisations from small businesses to large cities. Marc Pegulu. Vice President, Wireless LoRa and IoT at Semtech explains the role LoRa technology is playing. Read more


It’s expected that 5G will cover about 25% of the world’s population in the next decade. A majority of the coverage will mainly be in wealthy, well-developed areas in the U.S., China, and Europe. Impacted industries expand beyond telecommunications and into healthcare, education, and far beyond. But while users can expect to experience faster download and upload speeds and lower latency, what happens to businesses, and even people, based in rural America who don’t have the proper broadband coverage or hardware in place to support constant connectivity? Read more
Enterprise IoT Insights

基于 LoRa 的新网络覆盖了超过 306 公里的韩国高速公路

South Korean’s government-affiliated Korean Expressway Corporation (KEC) has deployed built a network based on Semtech’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol for more than 306 km of its expressways. The LoRa-based network is viewed as the “first stage” in the country’s four-year Internet of Things (IoT) deployment plan. Read more
IoT Business News

Semtech 和 AIUT 使用 LoRa® 器件优化石油天然气管理

Semtech Corporation announced that AIUT, a hardware and software provider specializing in Internet of Things (IoT)-based solutions in the oil and gas markets, has integrated Semtech’s LoRa® devices and the LoRaWAN® protocol into its new line of intelligent sensors for measuring the volume of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in tanks. Read more


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