Viewing All Industrial Control

播客:第 2 季 - 第 4 集 - 物联网中的 LoRa 和 LPWAN

In this latest podcast from Electronic Specifier Insights we will be discussing all things LoRa, the de facto technology for Internet of Things (IoT) networks. LoRa enables the smart IoT applications that help solve some of the biggest challenges facing our society today, from infrastructure efficiency to smart agriculture. We talk to Alistair Fulton, Vice President and General Manager of Semtech’s Wireless and Sensing Products Group about the evolution of LoRa technology and the LoRaWAN protocol, and some of its potential applications. Read more

Combining complementary wireless technologies for Industry 4.0

In this piece Mark Pegulu, VP of IoT at Semtech looks at the various wireless technologies that are contributing to the next industrial revolution. Read more
new electronics


Semtech has announced that the LoRaWAN protocol, developed and managed by the LoRa Alliance, is providing new applications of IoT connectivity for new smart industrial control operations. Read more

Cisco IIoT 利用 LoRaWAN® 协议

Semtech supports IoT systems for cloud-managed asset and facility monitoring developed by Cisco based on the LoRaWAN protocol. Read more
IoT Business News

Semtech 和 AIUT 使用 LoRa® 器件优化石油天然气管理

Semtech Corporation announced that AIUT, a hardware and software provider specializing in Internet of Things (IoT)-based solutions in the oil and gas markets, has integrated Semtech’s LoRa® devices and the LoRaWAN® protocol into its new line of intelligent sensors for measuring the volume of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in tanks. Read more


Most concerns about water have always focused on supply of available freshwater because of its territorial and irregular distributions. Managing the available ones to reduce or eliminate wastage, will no doubt be a relief. This is what Apana, a leading technology company set out to achieve by deploying the benefits of Internet of things (IoT) to help its customers, solve urgent compliance problems through the elimination of wastage and contamination. Read more
Circuit Digest

基于 LoRa 的工业传感器,提供适用于恶劣环境的高效连接

Semtech Corporation announced that the Radio Bridge has released a new line of LoRa based sensors for industrial applications. These sensors are able to transmit actionable data over incredible distances at very low power levels. The new line of outdoor and industrial-grade sensors also known as the Armored Sensors enables the tracking of accurate, real-time data for a variety of industrial applications including oil and gas, air quality and utility monitoring using LoRa and LoRaWAN technology. Read more
IoT Business News

Semtech 的 LoRa® 器件在 Radio Bridge 的新一代工业传感器中发挥畅连作用

The Armored Sensor™ product line enables a variety of industrial applications and offers connectivity in difficult environments. Read more
IoT Innovator

Semtech 的 LoRa 器件在 Radio Bridge 的新一代工业传感器中发挥畅连作用,提供适用于恶劣环境的高效连接

Semtech announced that Radio Bridge, supplier of wireless Internet of Things (IoT) sensor products based on Semtech’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol, has released a new line of LoRa-based sensors for the industrial market. The Armored Sensor product line enables the tracking of accurate, real-time data for a variety of industrial applications including oil and gas, air quality and utility monitoring. Read more
Enterprise IoT Insights

LoRa 为采矿带来的四个好处 —— 以及力拓如何连接其输送带设备

The mining industry is expected to produce $686 billion in revenue by the end of 2019, a steady eight per cent increase on 2018, according to PwC. The global conveyer belt industry is expected to be valued at $6.4 billion by 2022, says Research and Markets. Smart belt technologies will lead this growth, and help also drive up 2019 revenues for the industry. Read more


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