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It’s expected that 5G will cover about 25% of the world’s population in the next decade. A majority of the coverage will mainly be in wealthy, well-developed areas in the U.S., China, and Europe. Impacted industries expand beyond telecommunications and into healthcare, education, and far beyond. But while users can expect to experience faster download and upload speeds and lower latency, what happens to businesses, and even people, based in rural America who don’t have the proper broadband coverage or hardware in place to support constant connectivity? Read more


Utility companies are at the forefront of the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution, with smart metering serving as a primary application. According to a report by analyst firm ABI Research, utilities installed 700 million smart meters in 2018, and this installed base is expected to double and reach 1.34 billion meters by 2023. Read more

Vision 选择 Semtech 提供智能仪表基础架构

Vision Metering 在其新型智能仪表中选择 Semtech 的 LoRa 和 LoRaWAN 协议作为嵌入式基础架构。阅读更多
Electronic Specifier

基于 LoRa 的 AMI 解决方案实现更智能的能源监测

Semtech 宣布,Vision Metering (Vision) 已将 Semtech 的 LoRa 设备和 LoRaWAN 协议整合到其基于高级计量基础架构(AMI 解决方案)的智能电表以及水表和燃气表的接口单元。阅读更多
ee news Europe

Semtech 和 Vision 合作开发基于 LoRa 的高级计量设备

Semtech 宣布,物联网公用事业计量解决方案开发商 Vision Metering 已将 LoRa 器件和 LoRaWAN 协议整合到其基于高级计量基础架构 (AMI) 的智能电表以及水表和燃气表的接口单元。阅读更多
IoT Business News

Semtech 和 Vision 通过基于 LoRa® 的 AMI 解决方案实现更智能的能源监测

Vision’s smart meters represent an ideal solution for public or cooperative utilities, requiring minimal infrastructure cost and scaling based on need. Read more
Enterprise IoT Insights

Semtech 的 LoRa 器件可检测城市中异常的能源使用情况

Semtech Corporation announced that NetOP, a developer and manufacturer of LPWAN-based IoT applications, has developed a new smart energy consumption monitoring solution based on Semtech’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol. Read more

Octopus 解决方案帮助城市识别异常能源使用情况

Using Octopus, cities can effectively detect swings in energy usage and respond to, prevent or address malfunctions, illegal activity or other hazards to the energy grid. Read more
IoT Innovator

基于 Semtech LoRa 的新设备可检测互联城市中的异常能源使用情况,并助力打造更安全高效的智慧城市电网

Semtech announced on Wednesday that NetOP, a developer and manufacturer of low power, wide area network (LPWAN)-based Internet of Things (IoT) applications, has developed a new smart energy consumption monitoring solution based on Semtech’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol. Read more
All About Circuts

实施基于 LoRa 的智能计量解决方案

This article explores the use of LoRa devices for long-range, low power smart metering of utilities, which allows for remote daily operations and the collection of data. Read more


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