Viewing All LoRa Wireless RF

Amazon’s Sidewalk Unmasks Hidden Value Of Mesh Networks

The benefits of having devices that are nearly always connected has never been more obvious than it is today. In that regard, cellular networks and technologies like 5G have proven to be incredibly valuable. At the same time, there’s no denying that integrating cellular connectivity into every connected device we own isn’t a reasonable option for both practical and economic reasons. It’s simply too expensive and too challenging to do that. Various flavors of WiFi and even Bluetooth, of course, have also become an essential part of the connectivity fabric and are a great solution for many devices and applications. Read more

Satellite connectivity bridges gap to underserved IoT markets

尽管 LoRaWAN® 物联网地面专用和公共网络已在 160 多个国家/地区大规模推出,但许多地区仍没有连接,并且 LoRaWAN 网络服务提供商在这些偏远地区投资的经济回报很低或没有。卫星运行 LoRaWAN,还具有 Semtech 的长距离跳频扩频 (LR-FHSS) 新数据速率。该技术已于 2020 年底获得 LoRa Alliance 的认可,为地面和星 LoRaWAN 网络提供独特的合作机会,带来无处不在的覆盖。阅读更多

瑞士邮政使用 SmartButton 器件转变邮政服务

瑞士邮政正在改变其为偏远村庄的家庭提供邮政服务的方式。在这些地方设立邮局很不划算,瑞士邮政推出了 100,000 个使用 Semtech LoRa 的 SmartButton,方便人们一键按需订购邮政服务。阅读更多
SAT News

利用 LoRa® 实现卫星通信

Low-cost and low-power satellite connectivity technology built directly with smart sensors will kick-start a second IoT revolution. With LoRa®, a device-to-Cloud platform built for applications requiring long range, low power, incorporated into satellites, smart sensors can enable two-way communications to and from satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). LoRa can run on Very High Frequency (VHF) frequencies for uplink and downlink to satellites from the ground. Read more
Electronic Design

How LPWAN Solutions Can Transform Cybersecurity

More complex IoT technology is leading to more sophisticated cyberattacks. To achieve the needed security levels for their systems and devices, designers are turning to the inherently secure LoRaWAN open protocol. Read more
Food Logistics 杂志徽标


The pandemic triggered an accelerated pace of digital transformation throughout the industry. But, as the pandemic wanes, the need for digitization will continue in order for companies to remain competitive. Read more
IoT Agenda

IoT applications to improve senior care

65 岁及以上人口的增长速度超过所有其他年龄组。根据 World Population Prospects 的数据,到 2050 年,全球六分之一的人将超过 65 岁,占全球人口的 16%。由于社会排斥、由新冠刺激的代际生活减少的加速趋势以及居住在大型、分散的社区,老年人面临越来越多的挑战,并可能受到伤害。护理人员、医疗保健专业人员和家庭成员可以通过使用物联网技术来更好地支持老年人的福祉,让他们舒适、更方便地独自生活。阅读更多


While the industrial revolution of connectivity is a work in progress, Internet of Things technologies continue to drive progress and changes everywhere. Read more
IoT Business News

Bouygues Construction Matériel 实时连接 20000 多台设备

Bouygues Construction Matériel, offshoot of one of the biggest global construction groups Bouygues Construction, is implementing an innovative asset tracking solution for Smart Construction, offered by Omniscient, a startup incubated by Bouygues SA. Read more


As businesses resume normal operations, IoT applications will be instrumental in helping human resources departments and facility managers protect their employees by delivering solutions to promote healthy and safe workspaces. Current workplaces are actively mitigating health and safety risks such as facility hygiene, social distancing, contact tracing, occupancy control, and information privacy by locating, detecting, and monitoring data wirelessly with its IoT applications and an ecosystem of integrated products designed to safeguard the health of workers and deliver a secure work environment. As the economy continues to recover, we’ll increasingly witness more organizations leveraging the IoT to bring back workers to the office safely. Read more


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