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Enterprise IoT Insights

Semtech 声称 LoRa 仪表大热;Helium 推出基于区块链的 LoRa 器件

US manufacturing company Vision Metering is ramping up production of LoRa based smart energy meters connecting on LoRaWAN networks. The South Carolina firm claimed it has been “quickly onboarding” municipal utilities across the US and Latin America with its metering hardware and software at a rate of two to three per week. Read more


With an end to the pandemic in sight, and a resumption of everyday activities on the horizon, an emphasized importance on environmental awareness and the health of individuals is critical. From air-quality monitoring to water consumption, IoT solutions continue to play an essential role in helping to protect our planet and even citizens from environmental dangers that could come our way, especially if action is not taken. Read more
RFID Journal


The Internet of Things and sensor technologies can facilitate a challenging supply chain process. Read more
IoT Agenda

LPWAN 系统提供了一种易于使用的联网选择

Marc Pégulu, Vice President, Wireless and Sensing Product Group at Semtech speaks to the benefits of LPWAN systems in this blog post. Read more

播客:第 2 季 - 第 4 集 - 物联网中的 LoRa 和 LPWAN

In this latest podcast from Electronic Specifier Insights we will be discussing all things LoRa, the de facto technology for Internet of Things (IoT) networks. LoRa enables the smart IoT applications that help solve some of the biggest challenges facing our society today, from infrastructure efficiency to smart agriculture. We talk to Alistair Fulton, Vice President and General Manager of Semtech’s Wireless and Sensing Products Group about the evolution of LoRa technology and the LoRaWAN protocol, and some of its potential applications. Read more

Combining complementary wireless technologies for Industry 4.0

In this piece Mark Pegulu, VP of IoT at Semtech looks at the various wireless technologies that are contributing to the next industrial revolution. Read more

人力资源、数字工作场所和企业设施部门的 4 种合作方式

物联网 (IoT) 可提供解决方案来促进健康工作空间,帮助人力资源部门和设施经理联系和保护员工。半导体技术供应商 Semtech 的无线和传感产品事业部副总裁兼总经理 Alistair Fulton 表示,科学研究表明,良好的空气流通是加强保护并减缓新冠病毒传播的关键。他表示,疾病预防控制中心建议房间每天通风六次。阅读更多

我们( 基于 LPWAN)建立了这座城市

Semtech 无线和传感产品事业部的 Alistair Fulton 写道,LPWAN 网络提供的互操作性使所有人都能共享真正智慧城市环境的好处。阅读更多

Swarm Takes LoRa Sky-High

Swarm 是一家卫星初创企业,使用大小类似于烤奶酪三明治的 CubeSat 来提供物联网覆盖。他们还专门为难以连接到互联网的物联网网络开发了一个卫星网络。为此,公司采用了流行的物联网无线标准 LoRa,将地面技术变成了高空飞行且覆盖范围更大的解决方案。阅读更多

Webee’s No-Code End-to-End Solution Builder Software Democratizes IoT

WeBee’s No-Code End-to-End Solution Builder running on Microsoft Azure, operating on the LoRaWAN® protocol and leveraging Semtech LoRa® devices simplifies the development of enterprise IoT use cases including industrial remote monitoring, smart farming, and smart cities. Read more


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