Viewing All LoRa Wireless RF

在日新月异的世界中,LoRa 将在智能城市中发挥核心作用

Le besoin de transmission et d'analyse de données dans les environnements urbains actuels, avec la crise sanitaire en cours, favorise l'adoption de la technologie à longue portée LoRa, avec des capteurs basse consommation qui permettent de collecter et de communiquer des données précises en temps réel sur un réseau étendu WAN (Wide Area Network) et robuste. Read more

IoT Innovator Bringing New Use Cases and Solutions for the Globe with Alistair Fulton | Ep 119

Semtech's Vice President and General Manager, Alistair Fulton, joins Coruzant Technologies for the Digital Executive podcast. Read more
new electronics


Semtech has announced that the LoRaWAN protocol, developed and managed by the LoRa Alliance, is providing new applications of IoT connectivity for new smart industrial control operations. Read more

Cisco IIoT 利用 LoRaWAN® 协议

Semtech supports IoT systems for cloud-managed asset and facility monitoring developed by Cisco based on the LoRaWAN protocol. Read more

Semtech 发布了几项与 LoRa 相关的公告,以加速资产追踪市场的发展

Last week, LoRa chip company, Semtech, made several announcements that should accelerate the IoT market. Read more
EE World Online


Semtech Corporation 宣布了两种适用于其 LoRa Edge 平台的解决方案:LoRa Basics Modem-E(一种基于 LoRaWAN 的软件调制解调器,用于在 LoRa Edge 收发器内部运行的 LoRa Edge 平台)和 LoRa Edge 追踪器参考设计(一种从设备到云端的商品级参考解决方案,用于资产追踪应用)。阅读更多
IoT Business News

Semtech 和 Packetworx 使用 LoRaWAN® 实现对关键设备的远程监测

Packetworx 采用新应用为高价值资产测量电源供应并提供远程诊断,有效应对新冠挑战。阅读更多
Electronic Design

Amazon Sidewalk 快速发展

Extending its reach even further, Amazon’s Sidewalk is a "neighborhood" network that takes wireless connectivity to the streets, so to speak. Read more

LoRa 与未来的连接

LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol provides a low power, long range alternative to 5G that is widely adopted by the IoT industry. Read more
Fierce Electronics

Amazon Sidewalk 选用德州仪器、Silicon Labs 和 Semtech 的电子设备

A small platoon of electronics companies announced collaborations on Amazon Sidewalk, a new shared wireless network for IoT consumer devices. Among the partners are Silicon Labs, Texas Instruments and Semtech, according to their separate company announcements. Read more


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