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Fierce Electronics

LoRa sensors and gateways to run aboard ocean freighters

Maritime shipping giant Wilhelmsen will implement a potentially massive Internet of Things platform aboard ocean-going freighters around the globe that relies on LoRa low-power wireless connectivity. Read more
Land Mobile Logo

Semtech, Wilhelmsen And TTI Team Up On IoT For Maritime Use

Semtech, Wilhelmsen and The Things Industries (TTI) have formed a partnership to use Semtech’s LoRa devices to help deliver what they describe as cost-effective, robust and proven IoT solutions to the maritime shipping industry. Read more
RFID Journal

Asset Tracking Around the World

Thanks to the increased visibility provided by the Internet of Things, companies can more efficiently and cost-effectively monitor maintenance issues and the real-time status of their assets. Read more

Asset Tracking During the Holiday Season

The e-commerce industry is an evolving one and technology is serving as its backbone. With this, demand from the traditional brick and mortar stores is depleting, and more consumers are turning to the internet to make their purchases. Read more
IoT Agenda

Using technology to track holiday shipments

With the holiday season right around the corner, the need for smart technology solutions is essential. The influx of products developed, managed, qualified and shipped between October and December each year is vast, and facilities manufacturers are always looking for ways to streamline efficiencies and drive down costs. Read more


For the first time, grocery retailers are able to remotely and non-invasively monitor the product temperature of perishable food in refrigerated equipment. Read more
IoT Innovator

Semtech and Alibaba Cloud Introduce LoRa-based Tracker to Help Prevent Asset Loss and Theft

Semtech announced that Alibaba Cloud, the third largest public cloud services provider globally and cloud provider in the China market, has released a new Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled location tracker based on Semtech’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol. Read more
Food Safety Tech Logo

Increasing Food Safety and Spoilage Prevention in the IoT Era

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, it is estimated that nearly one third of the food produced (about 1.3 billion tons) globally is not consumed. To help tackle this billion-dollar problem, an innovative solution is being deployed to detect one of the key factors driving food waste: Spoilage due to fluctuations in temperature. Read more
Enterprise IoT Insights

LoRa 为采矿带来的四个好处 —— 以及力拓如何连接其输送带设备

The mining industry is expected to produce $686 billion in revenue by the end of 2019, a steady eight per cent increase on 2018, according to PwC. The global conveyer belt industry is expected to be valued at $6.4 billion by 2022, says Research and Markets. Smart belt technologies will lead this growth, and help also drive up 2019 revenues for the industry. Read more
Enterprise IoT Insights

LPWA 网络开创采矿的未来 (Reader Forum)

Mining has evolved from a hard, manual process, involving hand tools and rudimentary explosives, to one that takes advantage of sophisticated technologies that bring connectivity, automation, and intelligence into play. Read more


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