At Embedded World 2022, Randy Ryder of #Semtech introduced Elektor engineer Mathias Claussen to the LoRa Edge ultra-low power platform. Semtech's Karthik Ranjan then told Mathias about a new service called LoRa Cloud Locator. Read more
Alistair Fulton, Vice President and General Manager of Wireless and Sensing Products Group, Semtech, highlights sustainable technologies and trends for the smart planet and society. Read more
Semtech Corporation, announced that Boluda Corporación Maritima, a global maritime services provider, will leverage an asset tracking solution from WITRAC, a Valencia-based company offering innovative technology solutions that connect and provide visibility to the value chain. Read more
The future of remote operations in manufacturing opens the opportunity for facilities to improve their operations, leveraging IoT-enabled technologies to improve everything from mobility to worker safety. Read more
Although technology cannot provide a solution for all of the world’s current problems, there are technologies that if leveraged in the right way, can help increase overall global growth. Read more
Optimizing resources is vital to the future of the planet. The combination of global LPWAN sensors, cloud services, AI and machine learning can improve the way in which increasingly scarce resources can be used and conserved. Read more