Semtech 加速技术部署,打造更智慧、可持续发展的星球
LoRa® 器件和 LoRaWAN® 协议可用于应对环境挑战并推动全球改变
CAMARILLO, Calif., Apr. 22, 2021 – Semtech Corporation(纳斯达克股票代码:SMTC)是行业领先的供应商,提供高性能模拟和混合信号半导体产品以及先进算法。公司打造创新的物联网 (IoT) 平台,使地球变得更智慧、更互联、更可持续,从而在更广阔的维度上践行自己的使命。通过在全球范围内部署解决方案,Semtech 的 LoRa® 器件和 LoRaWAN® 协议可帮助减少环境影响并解决全球社区面临的挑战,包括野生动植物保护、可持续农业、抗击新冠疫情、节水和高风险洪水监测。
Semtech 总裁兼首席执行官 Mohan Maheswaran 表示:“通过投资 LoRaWAN 和 LoRa,我们向世界展示了 Semtech 如何致力于可持续发展,并开发旨在提高环境意识且节约资源的技术解决方案。LoRa 器件易于部署,方便所有人联网,让我们的星球更智慧、更安全。”
Semtech continues to develop products and enable solutions that create greater efficiencies and connections to care for communities, people and resources. LoRa devices serve a range of IoT applications across a variety of industries and are designed to be scalable and easy to implement:
- Wildlife Protection: Sensors integrated with LoRa can track and protect endangered species from poachers in national parks across Asia and Africa. Park rangers can leverage data collected from the sensors to track wildlife movement and monitor park perimeters to ensure wildlife is safe at all times.
- 可持续农业:通过利用 LoRa,农场主和牧场主可以测量影响农作物产量的环境指标,跟踪牲畜健康状况,大幅提升农业效率,减少对环境的影响,更大程度提高产量,同时尽力降低成本。
- 对抗新冠:LoRa 支持公共安全解决方案,以确保工作场所符合医疗保健要求,并满足医务人员的需求。示例解决方案可协助接近传感器和接触者追踪。
- Water Conservation: According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, household leaks waste approximately nearly 900 billion gallons of water annually. Through integrating LoRa into water management systems, smart homes and buildings have the ability to monitor their water usage and potentially decrease water wastage.
- 覆盖农村社区:全球有 37 亿人口无法连接到网络,新冠疫情更是加剧了这种需求,特别是在农村地区(世界经济论坛)。通过将 LoRa 集成到连接解决方案中,以实现往返于近地轨道 (LEO) 卫星的双向通信,廉价的全球连接为那些原本没有网络的农村地区提供了网络覆盖。
- 洪水监测:集成 LoRa 的传感器用于自主监测因气候变化影响而上升的海平面。这些传感器在洪灾高发的沿海地区非常有用。
如需详细了解 Semtech 用于减少环境影响的 LoRa 器件和应用,请下载新电子书。
关于 Semtech 的 LoRa® 平台
Semtech 的 LoRa 器件到云平台是面向物联网应用的远距离、低功耗解决方案,备受全球市场欢迎。它支持在全球范围内快速开发和部署超低功耗、高性价比的远距离物联网网络、网关、传感器、模块产品和物联网服务。Semtech 的 LoRa 器件为由 LoRa Alliance® 维护的 LoRaWAN® 协议提供通信层,LoRa Alliance® 是针对低功耗广域网 (LPWAN) 应用的开放式物联网联盟,已用于在 100 多个国家/地区部署物联网网络。Semtech 是 LoRa Alliance 的创始成员。如需了解关于 LoRa 如何为物联网提供支持的更多信息, 请访问 Semtech 的 LoRa 网站。
关于 Semtech
Semtech Corporation is a leading supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms for infrastructure, high-end consumer and industrial equipment. Products are designed to benefit the engineering community as well as the global community. The Company is dedicated to reducing the impact it, and its products, have on the environment. Internal green programs seek to reduce waste through material and manufacturing control, use of green technology and designing for resource reduction. Publicly traded since 1967, Semtech is listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol SMTC. For more information, visit www.semtech.com.
All statements contained herein that are not statements of historical fact, including statements that use the words “mission to,” “strive to,” “dedicated to,” “designed to” or other similar words or expressions, that describe Semtech Corporation’s or its management’s future plans, objectives or goals are “forward-looking statements” and are made pursuant to the Safe-Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause the actual results of Semtech Corporation to be materially different from the historical results and/or from any future results or outcomes expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors are further addressed in Semtech Corporation’s annual and quarterly reports, and in other documents or reports, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (www.sec.gov) including, without limitation, information under the captions “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and “Risk Factors.” Semtech Corporation assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements in order to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this release, except as required by law.
Semtech、Semtech 徽标和 LoRa 是 Semtech Corporation 或其附属公司的注册商标或服务商标。