Semtech 和 AIUT 使用 LoRa® 器件优化石油天然气管理

Semtech 和 AIUT 使用 LoRa® 器件优化石油天然气管理

Sensors enable the remote and automatic monitoring of gas consumption, improving the process of supply and reserve management for distributors to reduce operating costs

加利福尼亚州卡马里奥,2020 年 7 月 30 日 – 全球领先的高性能模拟和混合信号半导体产品及先进算法供应商 Semtech Corporation(纳斯达克股票代码:SMTC)宣布,专业为油气市场打造物联网 (IoT) 解决方案的硬件和软件提供商 AIUT Sp. Z o.o. (AIUT) 已将 Semtech 的 LoRa® 器件和 LoRaWAN® 协议集成至其新推出的智能传感器系列中,用于测量储罐中液化石油气 (LPG) 的存量。传感器可远程自动监测燃气消耗、优化分销商的供应和储存管理流程、降低运营成本。

AIUT 液化石油气部门主管 Krzysztof Paramuszczak 表示:“石油和天然气行业越来越需要更智能、可扩展和联网的基础设施,以实时监测液化石油气罐。Semtech 的 LoRa 器件和 LoRaWAN 协议使 AIUT 的产品能够提供可靠、持续和远程的液化石油气监测以及部署灵活性。这些优势使客户能够改善工作流程、降低运营成本,并为未来的挑战做好准备。” 

加油站和其他天然气供应商需要一致的 LPG 库存以满足客户需求。因此,这些客户需要高效、准确和可靠的远程监测解决方案来预测储罐液位并优化加注计划。从供应网络到每个储罐,AIUT 的智能液化石油气罐监测新平台能够对液化石油气数据进行高效和实时的管理。这些应用利用 LoRa 器件和 LoRaWAN 协议久经考验的功能,提供储罐数据和用量指标,为有效管理天然气供应创建了一个连贯的工具。与传统解决方案(如现场人工读取)相比,这具有明显的成本和效率优势。AIUT 的解决方案还包括远程阀门控制,以停止或重启通过泵或储罐的气体流动,增加安全性并减少现场浪费。

“LoRa devices represent a proven choice for real-time resource monitoring, providing actionable insight to reduce operational expenses and increase efficiency in gas management,” said Marc Pegulu, Vice President of IoT Product Marketing & Strategy in Semtech’s Wireless and Sensing Products Group. “LoRa-based products are flexible in deployment, allowing their use on tanks underground without sacrificing connectivity or requiring external infrastructure. AIUT leveraged this deployment flexibility with LoRa devices’ capabilities for long range and reliable data monitoring to deliver leading products for the future of LPG management.”

AIUT’s new LoRa-based LPG sensors will be available in the U.S. market beginning July 2020. To date, AIUT has a number of successful and growing deployments across Europe, including those in France and Switzerland.

To learn more about Semtech’s LoRa devices, visit the website.

关于 Semtech 的 LoRa® 器件

Semtech 的 LoRa 器件是获得广泛采用的长距离、低功耗物联网解决方案,电信公司、物联网应用开发商和系统集成商可以利用所需的相关功能组合,在全球范围内以低成本部署具备互操作性的物联网网络、网关、传感器、模组产品和物联网服务。基于 LoRaWAN® 规范的物联网网络已部署在 100 多个国家/地区,LoRa Alliance® 是低功耗广域网络应用领域中发展最快的物联网联盟,而 Semtech 正是其创始成员。若要了解有关 LoRa 如何为物联网提供支持的更多信息,请访问 Semtech 的 LoRa 网站

About AIUT

AIUT is a leader in automation, robotics and industrial Internet of Things (IoT) solutions in Europe. The company specializes in building production lines and stations, automating industrial processes and creating intelligent IoT systems for metering and managing the consumption and status of utilities and fuels. The company operates branches in Poland, Germany, China, the United States, India, and Romania, providing local design and service support. Over its 29 year history, AIUT specialists have deployed over 3,000 projects in 70 countries. The company's systems are proven in the automotive, energy and fuel industries. For more information, visit

关于 Semtech

Semtech Corporation 是行业领先的供应商,为基础设施、高端消费者和工业设备提供高性能模拟和混合信号半导体产品以及先进算法。其产品设计旨在服务工程社区以及造福全球社区。公司致力于减少自身及其产品对环境的影响。其内部环保计划针对资源减少的现状,通过控制材料和制造、使用环保技术和设计来减少浪费。Semtech 自 1967 年开始公开交易,现于纳斯达克全球精选市场上市,股票代码为 SMTC。若要了解更多信息,请访问


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