Semtech 和 Packetworx 使用 LoRaWAN® 实现对关键设备的远程监测
Packetworx 采用新应用为高价值资产测量电源供应并提供远程诊断,有效应对新冠挑战
CAMARILLO, Calif., Oct. 15, 2020 – Semtech Corporation (Nasdaq: SMTC), a leading supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, announced it has developed with Packetworx, the premier Internet of Things (IoT) solution provider in the Philippines, a new automated packetSENSE Current Clamp electricity monitoring solution and packetSWITCH remote rebooting device based on the LoRaWAN® protocol.
Packetworx 创始人兼首席执行官 Arnold Bagabaldo 表示:“LoRaWAN 协议为开发人员和系统集成商提供了基本的构件,让他们可以快速且节约成本地创建解决方案,以应对新冠疫情带来的挑战。Packetworx 正在加紧通过物联网解决方案满足智能设施和智能建筑管理的需求,这些解决方案可以远程监测设备并最大限度地提高运营,同时最大限度地减少人为干预并降低风险。”
Packetworx’s IoT applications include packetSENSE Current Clamp sensor that measures electricity flow and packetSWITCH technology to remotely reboot a device. The combined solution has been deployed by several financial institutions to remotely monitor the functionality of automated teller machines (ATMs). Enabled by Semtech’s LoRa® devices these simple retrofit devices enable 24/7 usage auditing, preventative maintenance alerts, alarms for inactivity due to power loss or malfunction, and remote on or off capabilities to reset the ATM. Actionable data is provided on Packetworx’s visualization dashboard, packetVIEW. These applications utilize the LoRaWAN protocol to deliver long range connectivity, up to miles from the nearest gateway and deep indoors, and low power consumption, with battery life averaging three to five years.
“LoRaWAN allows solution providers the means to quickly connect legacy mission-critical equipment and receive the benefits of IoT and smart monitoring with a low total cost of ownership,” said Marc Pegulu, Vice President of IoT Product Marketing for Semtech’s Wireless and Sensing Products Group. “Packetworx’s proven ATM use case has now opened the door to remote monitoring of applications across an endless array of markets, including healthcare, smart industry, smart utility, and logistics.”
若要了解有关 Semtech 物联网解决方案的更多信息,请访问网站。
关于 Semtech 的 LoRa® 平台
Semtech 的 LoRa 器件到云平台是面向物联网应用的全球范围内远距离低功耗解决方案,支持在全球范围内快速开发和部署超低功耗、具有成本效益的远距离物联网网络、网关、传感器、模块产品和物联网服务。Semtech 的 LoRa 器件为由 LoRa Alliance® 维护的 LoRaWAN® 协议提供通信层,LoRa Alliance® 是针对低功耗广域网 (LPWAN) 应用的开放式物联网联盟,已用于在 100 多个国家/地区部署物联网网络。Semtech 是 LoRa Alliance 的创始成员。若要了解有关 LoRa 如何为物联网提供支持的更多信息,请访问 Semtech 的 LoRa 网站。
About Packetworx
Packetworx is the leading enabler of Internet of Things (IoT) and LoRa® devices in the Philippines. It is the pioneer and only LoRaWAN connectivity provider and operator in the Philippines. The company provides hardware and software solutions that system integrators and developers use to deliver a portfolio of IoT solutions. Packetworx’s mission is to accelerate the Philippines’ transition towards an Internet-powered future by providing end-to-end IoT solutions, from devices, to network infrastructure, to cloud-based data visualization tools. To learn more, visit https://packetworx.com/.
关于 Semtech
Semtech Corporation 是行业领先的供应商,为基础设施、高端消费者和工业设备提供高性能模拟和混合信号半导体产品以及先进算法。其产品设计旨在服务工程社区以及造福全球社区。公司致力于减少自身及其产品对环境的影响。其内部环保计划针对资源减少的现状,通过控制材料和制造、使用环保技术和设计来减少浪费。Semtech 自 1967 年开始公开交易,现于纳斯达克全球精选市场上市,股票代码为 SMTC。若要了解更多信息,请访问 www.semtech.com。
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