Semtech 和 WITRAC 利用 LoRaWAN® 改变海运资产追踪方式
Semtech’s LoRa® devices and the LoRaWAN® standard replace labor-intensive manual temperature monitoring
CAMARILLO, Calif., May 26, 2022 – Semtech Corporation (Nasdaq: SMTC), a leading global supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, announced that Boluda Corporación Marítima, a leading global maritime services provider, will leverage an asset tracking solution from WITRAC, a Valencia-based company offering innovative technology solutions that connect and provide visibility to the value chain. Integrated with Semtech’s LoRa® devices and the LoRaWAN® standard, WITRAC’s Total Track & Trace Intelligent Platform transports cold chain assets in Boluda’s supply chain, providing citizens of the Canary Islands with the first daily transportation of cargo from the peninsula with over 350 successful voyages.
“Semtech’s LoRa devices offered a cost-effective solution for WITRAC’s Total Track & Trace Intelligent Platform. With ships transporting thousands of containers, installing a satellite modem in each container would make this type of solution economically non-viable,” said Jose Pons Ballester, co-founder and CTO of WITRAC. “Employing a network using LoRaWAN as well as leveraging the LoRa 2.4GHz band allowed us to place a WITRAC device in every single container to share real-time offshore and onshore visibility to thousands of containers — an unmatched value for our customers.”
Using a combination of LoRaWAN, Wi-Fi, BLE, and cellular connectivity options in the same hardware device, WITRAC’s Total Track & Trace Intelligent Platform provides real-time visibility and control of offshore operations. In addition to temperature monitoring, the platform’s “Perfect Route System” is able to geolocate a fleet’s vessels, allowing alerts to be set for deviations in fuel consumption, speed, routes, or miles traveled, which also permits shippers to take corrective measures en route.
The success of the platform led Boluda to implement WITRAC’s platform to monitor the location and temperature status of the fresh food and medicine on its seven container vessels traveling 700 miles from the Spanish mainland on the maritime corridor linking the Port of Cádiz to the island ports of Las Palmas and Tenerife.
“Remotely monitoring the location and temperature of assets during an entire cold chain was once viewed as a challenge. Through implementing LoRa devices and LoRaWAN, asset tracking has never been more simple and cost effective,” said Marc Pégulu, vice president of IoT product marketing and strategy for Semtech’s Wireless and Sensing Products Group. “WITRAC’s tracking solution is a valuable example of how LoRa and LoRaWAN networks can transform smart logistics to prevent loss or damage of assets no matter the distance.”
WITRAC Co-Founder and CTO José Pons Ballester will be discussing the benefits of the Boluda “Daily Canarias” solution at the LoRaWAN World Expo taking place July 6-7, 2022, in Paris, France. Register for the conference here.
To learn more about WITRAC’s Total Track & Trace Intelligent Platform, please visit here.
View the use case with more information on the collaboration here.
关于 Semtech 的 LoRa® 平台
Semtech 的 LoRa 器件到云平台是面向物联网应用的远距离、低功耗解决方案,备受全球市场欢迎。它支持在全球范围内快速开发和部署超低功耗、高性价比的远距离物联网网络、网关、传感器、模块产品和物联网服务。Semtech 的 LoRa 技术为由 LoRa Alliance® 维护的 LoRaWAN® 标准提供通信层。LoRa Alliance® 是低功耗广域网 (LPWAN) 应用方面的开放式物联网联盟。已有 170 多个国家/地区使用低功耗广域网 (LPWAN) 应用部署物联网网络。随着 LoRa 器件和 LoRaWAN 标准的普及,LoRa 开发者门户已成为帮助您加快 LoRa 开发流程的最佳平台,您可以在这里学习、与别人建立联系、合作和查找资源。Semtech 是 LoRa Alliance 的创始成员。如需了解更多关于LoRa 如何赋能物联网的信息,请访问 Semtech 的 LoRa 网站。
WITRAC helps companies be more efficient and competitive thanks to innovative technological solutions that connect and give visibility to the value chain of its clients. Able to identify, locate, measure, and control wirelessly and in real time, any asset, anywhere, WITRAC fabricates its own hardware and software based on the IoT and AI technology, in order to satisfy the industry's tracing needs. Its digitalization and automatization solutions combine multiple connectivity devices and protocols with a management platform, in order to generate data and transform it into useful information and valuable insights. Please visit www.witrac.es.
About Boluda Corporación Marítima
Boluda Corporación Marítima is the leading Spanish maritime group with more than 185 years of experience. It has a global presence, operating in Central America, South America, the Caribbean, Africa, Cabo Verde, the Indian Ocean and Europe. This love of hard work and affinity with the sea has been passed down between generations in the Boluda family and developed over time into a sector leading corporation. The company is organized into two strategic divisions: Boluda Towage and Boluda Shipping. And two smaller divisions: Boluda Port Services and VB Comisarios de Averías. Boluda Towage’s main focus is tugboat services, the core business and essential for facilitating traffic flow in the port area and provides port, coastal and offshore towing and sea salvage. This division has a fleet of 400 vessels present in the main ports of Europe, Africa, the Indian Ocean and Latin America. Boluda Shipping is the division providing maritime services in comprehensive transportation, logistics and international freight management. Its wide network of company offices in the main Spanish ports as well as a variety of international ports provide a single point of contact for all stopovers and port operations, with customer service and information provided 24/7 365 days a year. Find more information at www.boluda.com.es.
关于 Semtech
Semtech Corporation 是行业领先的全球供应商,为基础设施、高端消费者和工业设备提供高性能模拟和混合信号半导体产品以及先进算法。其产品设计旨在服务工程社区以及造福全球社区。公司致力于减少自身及其产品对环境的影响。其内部环保计划针对资源减少的现状,通过控制材料和制造、使用环保技术和设计来减少浪费。Semtech 自 1967 年开始公开交易,现于“纳斯达克全球精选市场”上市,股票代码为 SMTC。若要了解更多信息,请访问 www.semtech.com。
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