Semtech 和 YoSmart 提供高级智能家居自动化解决方案
YoLink solutions offer long range, low power and fail-safe connectivity for a growing product line of smart home and community applications
CAMARILLO, Calif., Aug. 26, 2020 – Semtech Corporation (Nasdaq: SMTC), a leading supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, announced that YoSmart, a high-tech enterprise company focused on smart home and life solutions, has increased registered users and sales by more than 50 percent every month since its November 2019 product release. YoSmart integrates Semtech’s LoRa® devices into its “YoLink” line of Internet of Things (IoT) consumer products for the home.
“Our mission is to help make home life simple for everyone. Semtech’s LoRa devices have allowed us to make innovative and cost-effective products to successfully achieve this goal,” said John Xu, Chief Executive Officer at YoSmart. “Leveraging Semtech’s LoRa technology for our solutions allows us to easily deliver coverage to large houses and backyard applications using a single YoLink Hub. Also, Semtech’s technology can penetrate dense building materials, such as thick concrete walls, metal mailboxes or refrigerators found in many of our customers’ dwellings.”
YoSmart 在 Amazon 和其他零售店销售着 20 种智能家居和社区产品,其中包括智能漏水系统(Amazon 高评价和畅销的漏水检测器件)、智能温度/湿度传感器、智能门传感器、智能报警器和全面的智能家居入门套件。YoLink 解决方案系列使器件具有相互离线通信的独特能力。借助此功能,即使与 YoLink Hub 断开连接,下游器件也可以使用消息和远程控制器重新进行身份验证和通信。在停电或 Wi-Fi 服务中断期间,双模式(YoLink + LoRaWAN® 协议)的专有功能对于智能家居应用的部署至关重要。YoLink Hub 充当传感器和云之间的透明连接,用户可设置家庭、办公室和社区其他位置之间的智能传感器的自动化。
“The array of LoRa-based YoLink smart home automation products are well suited for do-it-yourself projects due to their ease of installation, non-complicated sensor provisioning and the ability for repeat customers to expand their smart home systems over time,” said Marc Pegulu, Vice President of IoT Product Marketing for Semtech’s Wireless and Sensing Products Group. “YoSmart and Semtech have successfully introduced enhanced consumer solutions in the expanding global smart home device market that overcome previous challenges associated with connectivity and interoperability.”
关于 Semtech 的 LoRa® 器件
Semtech’s LoRa devices are a widely adopted long-range, low-power solutions for IoT that gives telecom companies, IoT application makers and system integrators the feature set necessary to deploy low-cost, interoperable IoT networks, gateways, sensors, module products, and IoT services worldwide. IoT networks based on the LoRaWAN® specification have been deployed in 100 countries and Semtech is a founding member of the LoRa Alliance®, the fastest growing IoT Alliance for Low Power Wide Area Network applications. To learn more about how LoRa enables IoT, visit Semtech’s LoRa site.
About YoSmart
YoSmart Inc. Corporation is a high-tech firm engaged in the research and development, manufacturing, distribution and servicing of smart home devices, with R&D teams located in Irvine, California. Irvine, known for its dynamic and innovative environment and active flow and exchange of ideas among the area's entrepreneurs, is home to a cluster of high-tech sectors including biomedicine, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, and software. Further information can be found at http://www.yosmart.com/.
关于 Semtech
Semtech Corporation 是行业领先的供应商,为基础设施、高端消费者和工业设备提供高性能模拟和混合信号半导体产品以及先进算法。其产品设计旨在服务工程社区以及造福全球社区。公司致力于减少自身及其产品对环境的影响。其内部环保计划针对资源减少的现状,通过控制材料和制造、使用环保技术和设计来减少浪费。Semtech 自 1967 年开始公开交易,现于纳斯达克全球精选市场上市,股票代码为 SMTC。若要了解更多信息,请访问 www.semtech.com。
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