Semtech Deploys LoRa®-based Network for South Korean Expressways
Korea Expressway Corporation’s network covers over 306 km of expressway, providing the connectivity backbone for flexible, innovative IoT applications
CAMARILLO, Calif., Aug. 13, 2020 – Semtech Corporation (Nasdaq: SMTC), a leading supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, announced that Korea Expressway Corporation (KEC), a government affiliated company building and managing expressways in South Korea, has built a network based on Semtech’s LoRa® devices and the LoRaWAN® protocol for its expressways as the first stage in its ongoing four-year Internet of Things (IoT) deployment plan in the country.
“Semtech’s LoRa devices and LoRaWAN networks represent the ideal infrastructure on which to build Korea’s next-generation IoT solutions,” said Hyo-Hoon, Kim, Manager at SK Telesys. “We want to continue to uphold Korea’s leading technology culture and provide citizens the basic right to enjoy Internet infrastructure freely. One of our main goals is providing citizens and local businesses with the opportunity to innovate and create their own IoT applications. With LoRa, developers can quickly and effectively create solutions to enable a smarter, more efficient home for us all.”
Beginning in 2019, KEC deployed 78 LoRa-based gateways over 306 km of expressway. Woojoo Telecom, a systems integrator, and SK Telesys, a LoRa-based gateway manufacturer and network server provider, were selected as operators for this project, conducting communication tests on roads and in tunnels to establish the high-quality IoT network. Currently the network offers many strategic functions including parking space and trash bin fill monitoring at rest areas, and real-time condition tracking for shock-absorbing barriers and guardrails.
In the coming years, KEC plans to expand the LoRa-based network’s applications to include landslip detectors, road-freezing sensors, electronic displays, fire extinguishers in tunnels, and expressway lights. By continuing to migrate applications from legacy 3G/LTE connectivity to LoRaWAN, KEC expects to reduce operating cost by up to $2 million per year.
“LoRa devices and LoRaWAN networks cover hundreds of uses cases essential to city and often countrywide infrastructure,” said Marc Pegulu, Vice President of IoT for Semtech’s Wireless and Sensing Products Group. “The increasing implementation of large scale, flexible applications reflects the rising demand for massive IoT worldwide. These deployments increase efficiency and cost savings for those government entities providing public infrastructure such as nationwide expressways, and LoRa devices represent an ideal technology and connectivity backbone.”
To learn more about LoRa, visit the Semtech website.
关于 Semtech 的 LoRa® 器件
Semtech 的 LoRa 器件是获得广泛采用的长距离、低功耗物联网解决方案,电信公司、物联网应用开发商和系统集成商可以利用所需的相关功能组合,在全球范围内以低成本部署具备互操作性的物联网网络、网关、传感器、模组产品和物联网服务。基于 LoRaWAN® 规范的物联网网络已部署在 100 多个国家/地区,LoRa Alliance® 是低功耗广域网络应用领域中发展最快的物联网联盟,而 Semtech 正是其创始成员。若要了解有关 LoRa 如何为物联网提供支持的更多信息,请访问 Semtech 的 LoRa 网站。
About Korea Expressway Corporation
Korea Expressway Corporation manages and operates the highways in South Korea. The company was founded in January 1969 by the Korea Highway Corporation Act (Law No. 2083) and the Korea Highway Corporation Act Enforcement Decree (Presidential Decree No. 3745), and in February 1969, its headquarters was established in Gyeongsangbuk-do Gimcheon Innovation 877. As of October 2019, it manages 37 routes for a total length of 4,195 km. For more information, visit https://www.ex.co.kr/eng/.
关于 Semtech
Semtech Corporation is a leading supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms for infrastructure, high-end consumer and industrial equipment. Products are designed to benefit the engineering community as well as the global community. The Company is dedicated to reducing the impact it, and its products, have on the environment. Internal green programs seek to reduce waste through material and manufacturing control, use of green technology and designing for resource reduction. Publicly traded since 1967, Semtech is listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbol SMTC. For more information, visit http://www.semtech.com.
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