Semtech 的 BlueRiver® 技术通过 SDVoE™ 打造更智能的办公室
Presentation Products, Inc. 基于 BlueRiver 的应用支持会议室交互式显示、通过视频通话和共同使用白板实现无缝协作
CAMARILLO, Calif., Mar. 18, 2020 – Semtech Corporation (Nasdaq: SMTC), a leading supplier of high performance analog and mixed signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, announced that Presentation Products, Inc. (PPI), a supplier of audiovisual design and integration solutions for the corporate, educational and hospitality markets, has created an innovative Software Defined Video over Ethernet (SDVoE™)-based solution leveraging Semtech’s BlueRiver® Pro AV platform for Cooley LLP (Cooley), a leading international law firm.
“Built for uncompromising performance, Semtech’s BlueRiver technology offered PPI the ideal technology base to develop solutions with processing capabilities beyond those possible with a traditional matrix switch,” said Kyle Balkcom, principal at PPI. “With BlueRiver, we are able to provide AV data transfer at near-zero latency and image resolution up to 4K60 4:4:4, creating flexible, scalable and standards-based SDVoE applications that allow our customers to work smarter and more efficiently.”
2017 年,Cooley 寻求在其纽约的办公室中打造一种创新的协作环境,改变其员工的合作方式。Cooley 拥有五层楼和 45 间会议室,总面积约 130,000 平方英尺。他们需要一个可以在整个设施中以接近零延迟的性能处理和分发数据的视听系统。该公司咨询了 PPI,并决定采用基于 Aurora Multimedia 的 BlueRiver 10 Gbps 4K 收发器系列的 SDVoE AV-over-IP 解决方案。该系统采用标准的设计,可全面集成 SDVoE 生态系统中的器件,同时提供最小的 4K 媒体压缩。面向未来的设计支持更高分辨率的缩放和可靠的光纤数据传输。完整的 SDVoE 系统实现了:办公室多个会议空间中的交互式显示,通过视频通话和共同使用白板与远程参与者无缝协作,以及办公室大厅中高达两层楼的 BlueRiver 视频墙。
Semtech 信号完整性产品事业部视频产品副总裁 Don Shaver 表示:“BlueRiver 支持用现成的以太网替换传统的 Pro AV 电路切换基础设施,提高了系统灵活性和可扩展性,相比传统矩阵设计能够节省大量成本。当今领先企业需要高质量的视听数据,该技术实现的基于 SDVoE 的应用完美契合这一需求。”
To learn more about BlueRiver, please visit the Semtech website.
关于 Semtech 的 BlueRiver®
Semtech 的 BlueRiver® 技术为视听信号分发带来了以太网的颠覆性能力,即用型以太网络具有价格实惠、性能强大、灵活性和扩展性极佳的特点,安装者和原始设备制造商 (OEM) 可使用即用型以太网络代替专有的多媒体视听矩阵切换器,这永久地改变了 Pro AV 行业的版图。BlueRiver 平台配备一个可编程的芯片系统 (SoC),利用发射器、接收器和即用型以太网交换机构成的简单网络来代替传统的 AV/KVM 扩展器、矩阵切换器、视频墙控制器以及窗口处理器。BlueRiver 芯片组是 SDVoE 技术的基础,可通过标准以太网提供零延迟、未压缩的 4K 流媒体,并具有对 HDMI 2.0a 和 HDR 的独特支持。它们还集成了高保真视频缩放、窗口化和音频缩混。有关更多信息,请访问 https://www.semtech.com/technology/blueriver。
About Presentation Products, Inc.
Presentation Products, Inc. is completely focused on designing, delivering and supporting the next generation of audiovisual systems. Unlike many in the industry, its programmers, field engineers and technicians are full-time PPI employees and are passionate about delivering industry-leading AV solutions. PPI’s technical and design staff are industry certified, and actively invest in continuing education and training opportunities to remain at the forefront of technology trends. For more information, visit http://www.presentationproducts.com/
关于 Semtech
Semtech Corporation is a leading supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms for high-end consumer, enterprise computing, communications, and industrial equipment. Products are designed to benefit the engineering community as well as the global community. The Company is dedicated to reducing the impact it, and its products, have on the environment. Internal green programs seek to reduce waste through material and manufacturing control, use of green technology and designing for resource reduction. Publicly traded since 1967, Semtech is listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol SMTC. For more information, visit www.semtech.com.
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Semtech、Semtech 徽标和 BlueRiver 是 Semtech Corporation 或其附属公司的注册商标或服务标志。SDVoE 是 SDVoE Alliance 的商标或服务标志。