Semtech 的 LoRa Connect™ 增强 CWD Limited 的双组合模块,将物联网设备连接到云
New module now supports and provides global LoRaWAN® network coverage ideal for asset tracking applications in hazardous work environments
CAMARILLO, Calif., Oct. 6, 2022 – Semtech Corporation (Nasdaq: SMTC), a leading global supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, announced that CWD Limited (BSE: CWD), an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) company and India’s premier Internet of Things (IoT) design house, has developed a dual combo module incorporating Semtech’s LoRa Connect™ platform and the LoRaWAN® standard connectivity as well as Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) to optimize high data rate, long range wireless communication for IoT device connectivity.
The CWD CBTLRM02 dual combo module is utilized in smart utility meters and wearables with Semtech’s LoRa Connect (SX1262) System on Chip (SoC) for communication in the 150MHz to 960MHz bands for LoRa® combined with BLE for the 2.4GHz ISM band. This provides extended range at extremely low power to enable a multitude of applications such as asset tracking, agriculture and horticulture sensors, and industrial automation. Additionally, by hosting the software stack and business logic on the board, the need for an external microcontroller unit (MCU) and external antennas are eliminated, significantly reducing product bill of materials costs.
“With the dual wireless capabilities of LoRaWAN and BLE, the CWD module makes any IoT device extremely power efficient while also providing an extensively rich feature set,” said Siddhartha Xavier, chief strategy officer, CWD. “Our recent deployments have underscored the capabilities of LoRa devices, known for long range, low power, and LoRaWAN for cost-effective end-to-end communication.”
CWD’s dual combo module is integrated in ATEX certified smart ID cards that are currently deployed in hazardous work environments such as oil rigs, mines and construction sites where it is imperative to ensure employee safety. The easy-to-deploy devices track and monitor the mobility of employees at heights and depths over 2km and send SOS alerts when detecting potential emergency situations. The smart ID cards are also being rolled out in hospitals to track staff and patients.
“Hybrid solutions for IoT devices bring what once were considered competing technologies into a holistic offering that leverages the strengths of different connectivity protocols,” said Marc Pégulu, vice president and general manager for Semtech’s Wireless and Sensing Products Group. “Semtech’s LoRa Connect portfolio combined with complementary connectivity options, like BLE, provide customers with broader geographic coverage for asset tracking devices while making network deployments much less complicated.”
To learn more about CWD’s wireless module solutions, please visit here.
More information on Semtech’s LoRa Connect portfolio can be found here.
Visit the LoRa Developer Portal to learn how to build solutions with LoRa Connect here.
关于 Semtech 的 LoRa® 平台
Semtech’s LoRa chip-to-Cloud platform is a globally adopted long range, low power solution for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, enabling the rapid development and deployment of long range, ultra-low power and cost efficient IoT networks, gateways, sensors, module products, and IoT services worldwide. Semtech’s LoRa technology provides the communication layer for the LoRaWAN® standard, which is maintained by the LoRa Alliance®, an open IoT alliance for Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) applications that has been used to deploy IoT networks in over 173 countries. Semtech is a founding member of the LoRa Alliance and produces the “The WAN Network Show” podcast to connect massive IoT end users to operators of LoRaWAN networks around the world. With the proliferation of LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN standard, the LoRa Developer Portal is a technical support platform for IoT innovators to learn, connect, collaborate, and find resources to help accelerate product development efforts and expedite time to market. To learn more about how LoRa enables IoT and creates a more sustainable and smarter planet, visit Semtech’s LoRa site.
About CWD Limited
CWD Limited (CWD), is an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) company, which designs, develops and sells Integrated Solutions that combine the power of Software and Electronics. CWD Stands for Connected Wireless Devices. All products that are designed and developed in the company are focused on wireless technologies either on short range radio technologies like NFC, Bluetooth BLE, LoRa, WiFi, Zigbee or long-range communication systems like 4G LTE, NB-IOT, CAT M1, etc., operating mainly through the segments of Consumer Electronics and Enterprise Solutions. Established in 2016 and classified as Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DIPP) 1963 Startup under IP category, the company is publicly traded on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) under the symbol CWD. The company is headquartered in South Mumbai with an R&D facility in Navi Mumbai and a manufacturing facility in Mysore. Learn more at www.cwdin.com.
关于 Semtech
Semtech Corporation 是行业领先的全球供应商,为基础设施、高端消费者和工业设备提供高性能模拟和混合信号半导体产品以及先进算法。其产品设计旨在服务工程社区以及造福全球社区。公司致力于减少自身及其产品对环境的影响。其内部环保计划针对资源减少的现状,通过控制材料和制造、使用环保技术和设计来减少浪费。Semtech 自 1967 年开始公开交易,现于“纳斯达克全球精选市场”上市,股票代码为 SMTC。若要了解更多信息,请访问 www.semtech.com。
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