This product has reached its End of Life. Its data sheet is for reference only.
Please use GS2994, GS3440 and GS3140 for new designs.
The GS2964 is a cost optimized short reach equalizer that still supports 100m at 3Gbps. The GS2964 is a high-speed BiCMOS integrated circuit designed to equalize and restore signals received over 75ohm coaxial cable.
本器件专用于支持 SMPTE 424M、SMPTE292M 和 SMPTE 259M,并针对 270Mbps、1.485Gbps 和 2.97Gbps 的性能进行了优化。
The GS2964 features DC restoration to compensate for the DC content of SMPTE pathological test patterns.
The Carrier Detect output pin (CD) indicates whether a valid input signal has been detected. It can be connected directly to the MUTE pin to mute the output on loss of carrier. A voltage programmable threshold, which can be changed via the SQ_ADJ pin, forces CD high when the input signal amplitude falls below the threshold. This allows the GS2964 to distinguish between low-amplitude SDI signals and noise at the input of the device.
The differential outputs can be DC-coupled to Gennum® 3.3V cable drivers and reclockers and to other industry-standard 3.3V CML logic.
The GS2964 is footprint and drop-in compatible with existing GS2974 designs, with no additional application changes required.
本器件采用 16 引脚、4mm x 4mm QFN 封装。
Power consumption of the GS2964 is typically 215mW.
The GS2964 is Pb-free, and the encapsulation compound does not contain halogenated flame retardant.
This component and all homogeneous subcomponents are RoHS compliant.
- 兼容 SMPTE 424M、SMPTE 292M 和 SMPTE 259M
- 自动电缆均衡
- 100m cable length at 3Gbps, 140m at HD, 180m at SD
- 从 143 Mbps 到 2.97 Gbps 的多标准运行
- Performance optimized for 270Mbps, 1.485Gbps and 2.97Gbps. Typical equalized length of Belden 1694A cable:
- 100m at 2.97Gbps
- 140m at 1.485Gbps
- 180m at 270Mbps
- Supports DVB-ASI at 270Mbps
- 手动旁路(适用于具有缓慢上升/下降时间的低数据速率)
- 可编程的载波检测和抑制阀值调节
- 标准 EIA/JEDEC 逻辑控制和状态信号水平
- 3.3 V 单电源运行
- 215mW power consumption (typical)
- 工作温度范围宽(-40℃ 至 +85℃)
- 小型 QFN 封装 (4 mm x 4 mm)
- 插槽与 GS2974 兼容
- 无铅且符合 RoHS 标准
- Audio De-embedders
- 音频嵌入器
- 摄像机
- 摄像机控制单元
- 分配放大器
- 编码器/解码器
- 格式检测器
- Master Control Switchers
- 监视器
- 多画面显示器
- 生产切换器
- 路由器
- SMPTE 424M、SMPTE 292M 和 SMPTE 259M 同轴电缆串行数字接口
- 测试和测量设备
- 上/下/交叉变频器
- 视频采集卡
- 视频服务器
- 磁带录像机
- GS2964-INE3: Lead-Free, RoHS Compliant, Tray-490 Pieces
- GS2964-INTE3: Lead-Free, RoHS Compliant, Tape and Reel-250 Pieces
- GS2964-INTE3Z: Lead-Free, RoHS Compliant, Tape and Reel-2500 Pieces
Pb(Lead)-Free/RoHS-Green Info
(-40°C 至 +85°C / 4000 循环)
(50°C,4000 小时)
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无论您是在体育场的巨型屏幕上观看棒球比赛的动作回放、在大屏幕电视上观看电影,还是在笔记本电脑上播放视频,都期望获得高质量的视听 (AV) 体验。超高清串行数字接口 (UHD-SDI) 和高清多媒体接口 (HDMI) 是数字 AV 传输的两个标准。UHD-SDI 对通过同轴电缆或光纤传输未压缩和未加密的数字 AV 信号加以标准化。HDMI 是一种数字接口,用于将高清、高速数字多轨音频和未压缩视频信号从 HDMI 兼容源传输到视听显示器。尽管二者都可以将超高清 AV 信号从信号源传输到显示器,但 HDMI 更适合连接电脑、游戏机、蓝光/DVD 播放器、电视、投影仪等消费电子产品。 UHD-SDI 是专业室内/室外视频制作和电视广播等高端应用的首选,因为它支持远距离传输,并借助电缆两端的物理锁定机制实现可靠连接。UHD-SDI 同轴电缆可以将信号传输远达 300 英尺,而 HDMI 电缆即使在 50 英尺以内也会出现信号过渡衰减的问题。这两种接口可以通过 HDMI-SDI 或 SDI-HDMI 转换器一起使用。例如,如图 1 所示,HDMI 显示器用于 SDI 流的置信度监控,从而无需使用经过专门校准的 SDI 专用显示器。
Circuit Protection for HDMI-SDI/SDI-HDMI…