This product has reached its End of Life. Its data sheet is for reference only.
Please use GS3241 and GS3281 for new designs.
The GS2986 is a multi-rate serial digital reclocker designed to automatically recover the embedded clock from a digital video signal and retime the incoming video data.
它将恢复嵌入的时钟信号,并对符合 SMPTE 424M、SMPTE 292M 或 SMPTE 259M-C 的数字视频信号的数据重新定时。
A serial host interface provides the ability to configure and monitor multiple GS2986 devices in a daisy-chain configuration.
Adjustable input trace equalization (EQ) for up to 40" of FR4 trace losses, and adjustable output de-emphasis (DE) for up to 20" of FR4 trace losses, can be configured via the host interface.
The GS2986 can operate in either auto or manual rate selection mode. In Auto mode, the device will automatically detect and lock onto incoming SMPTE SDI data signals at any supported rate. For single rate data systems, the GS2986 can be configured to operate in Manual mode. In both modes, the device requires only one external crystal to set the VCO frequency when not locked and provides adjustment free operation.
The GS2986 accepts industry-standard differential input levels including LVPECL and CML. The differential data and clock outputs feature selectable output swing via the host interface, ensuring compatibility with most industry-standard, terminated differential receivers.
The GS2986 features dual differential outputs. The second output can be configured to emit either the recovered clock signal or the re-timed video data. This output can also be disabled to save power.
In systems which require passing of non-SMPTE data rates, the GS2986 can be configured to either automatically or manually enter a bypass mode in order to pass the signal without reclocking.
The GS2986 is Pb-free, and the encapsulation compound does not contain halogenated flame retardant. This component and all homogeneous sub-components are RoHS compliant.
- 符合 SMPTE 424M、SMPTE 292M 和 SMPTE 259M-C 标准
- Single supply operation at 3.3V or 2.5V
- 2.5 V 时典型功耗为 180 mW(启用 RCO 时为 213 mW)
- Supports DVB-ASI at 270Mbps
- Input signal equalization and output-signal de-emphasis settings to compensate for board-trace dielectric losses
- 4:1 input multiplexer patented technology
- 可选两个时钟恢复数据输出或一个时钟恢复数据输出和一个时钟输出
- Uses standard 27MHz crystal
- 级联晶体缓冲器支持使用同一个晶体的多个时钟恢复器
- Differential inputs and outputs
- 支持直流耦合至工业标准差分逻辑
- 芯片级 100 欧姆差分数据输入/输出终端
- 每个输出可选 400 mVppd 或 800 mVppd 输出摆幅
- Seamless interface to other Gennum® products
- 4 wire SPI host interface for device configuration and monitoring
- 标准逻辑控制和状态信号位准
- 自动和手动速率选择模式
- Standards indication in Auto mode
- Lock Detect Output
- 静音、旁路和自动旁路功能
- SD/HD 指示输出可控制 GS2978 或 GS2988 双压摆率电缆驱动器
- 工作温度范围:-40°C 至 +85°C
- Small footprint QFN package (6mm x 6mm)
- 无铅且符合 RoHS 标准
- 分配放大器
- Master Control Switchers
- 生产切换器
- 路由器
- SMPTE 424M、SMPTE 292M 和 SMPTE 259M-C 同轴电缆串行数字接口
- 测试和测量设备
- GS2986-INTE3Z: Lead-Free, RoHS Compliant, Tape and Reel-2500 Pieces
- GS2986-INTE3: Lead-Free, RoHS Compliant, Tape and Reel-250 Pieces
- GS2986-INE3: Lead-Free, RoHS Compliant, Tray-490 Pieces
Pb(Lead)-Free/RoHS-Green Info
(-40°C 至 +85°C / 4000 循环)
(50°C,4000 小时)
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无论您是在体育场的巨型屏幕上观看棒球比赛的动作回放、在大屏幕电视上观看电影,还是在笔记本电脑上播放视频,都期望获得高质量的视听 (AV) 体验。超高清串行数字接口 (UHD-SDI) 和高清多媒体接口 (HDMI) 是数字 AV 传输的两个标准。UHD-SDI 对通过同轴电缆或光纤传输未压缩和未加密的数字 AV 信号加以标准化。HDMI 是一种数字接口,用于将高清、高速数字多轨音频和未压缩视频信号从 HDMI 兼容源传输到视听显示器。尽管二者都可以将超高清 AV 信号从信号源传输到显示器,但 HDMI 更适合连接电脑、游戏机、蓝光/DVD 播放器、电视、投影仪等消费电子产品。 UHD-SDI 是专业室内/室外视频制作和电视广播等高端应用的首选,因为它支持远距离传输,并借助电缆两端的物理锁定机制实现可靠连接。UHD-SDI 同轴电缆可以将信号传输远达 300 英尺,而 HDMI 电缆即使在 50 英尺以内也会出现信号过渡衰减的问题。这两种接口可以通过 HDMI-SDI 或 SDI-HDMI 转换器一起使用。例如,如图 1 所示,HDMI 显示器用于 SDI 流的置信度监控,从而无需使用经过专门校准的 SDI 专用显示器。
Circuit Protection for HDMI-SDI/SDI-HDMI…