Viewing All LoRa Wireless RF

LoRa Vision Metering

Semtech 和 Vision 通过基于 LoRa® 的 AMI 解决方案实现更智能的能源监测

Vision’s smart meters represent an ideal solution for public or cooperative utilities, requiring minimal infrastructure cost and scaling based on need Read more
Semtech and YoSmart Create Safer and Smarter Homes with LoRa® Devices

Semtech and YoSmart Create Safer and Smarter Homes with LoRa® Devices

The YoLink product line quickly connects applications including doors, security systems, electrical outlets, and water piping to drive greater home efficiency Read more
LoRa Talkpool Smart Building

Semtech’s LoRa® Devices Conserve Energy and Help Prevent Damage in Real Estate

Talkpool’s LoRa-based solutions monitor more than 1.2 million square meters of real estate, tracking energy use to reduce cost and increase sustainability Read more
基于 LoRa 的解决方案优化了中国的医疗服务

Semtech 和 LoRaWAN 生态系统成员提供基于 LoRa® 的解决方案来优化中国的医疗服务

Smarter Internet of Things (IoT) applications improve quarantine monitoring and reduce the workload of health services workers Read more
 Semtech’s LoRa® Devices Integrated into Polysense’s Infrared Temperature Sensor

Semtech’s LoRa® Devices Integrated into Polysense’s Infrared Temperature Sensor

Smart human body sensors enable healthcare workers to identify individuals with a high temperature Read more
Semtech’s LoRa® Devices Track Pallet Location to Optimize Shipping and Logistics

Semtech’s LoRa® Devices Track Pallet Location to Optimize Shipping and Logistics

Pallet Alliance’s IntelliPallet™ platform reduces operating costs with flexible tracking applications Read more
Semtech 和 Helium 宣布在全美部署全新 LoRaWAN 网络

Semtech 和 Helium 宣布在全美部署全新 LoRaWAN 网络

通过在全国部署的 4,300 个网关,Helium 的全新 LoRaWAN® 兼容网络可以与数亿台基于 LoRa® 的器件连接 阅读更多
 Semtech’s LoRa® Devices Monitor Equipment Energy Use with Connected Plugs

Semtech’s LoRa® Devices Monitor Equipment Energy Use with Connected Plugs

EasyReach’s “EasyPlug” tracks energy consumption and movement in retail refrigerators, machines to prevent waste, theft and tampering Read more
Semtech 发布新的解决方案组合 LoRa Edge™,帮助简化和促进物联网应用

Semtech 发布新的解决方案组合 LoRa Edge™,帮助简化和促进物联网应用

LoRa Edge 产品组合中的第一款平台产品是一项地理定位解决方案,革新了用于资产管理应用的物联网 (IoT) 设备。该平台集成了超低功耗 LoRa® 收发器、GNSS 和 Wi-Fi 扫描技术;结合 LoRa Edge 解决方案与基于云的地理定位服务,打造独特的系统架构,从而在定位精度和低功耗之间实现最佳平衡 阅读更多
 Semtech and iioote Extend LoRa®-based Water Leakage Detection to the Industrial Market

Semtech and iioote Extend LoRa®-based Water Leakage Detection to the Industrial Market

The SenseIoT solution leverages new artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms to predict and prevent costly water leaks Read more


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